Brian Burks
2020-05-13 18:24:59
I am running ProPresenter 7 and Ableton Live 10 on the same Windows 10 PC. I am trying use Ableton to automate ProPresenter. I am running Network Pro. How do I get the two programs to recognize the Bome Network as midi input/output devices and get them to show up in the available MIDI devices windows?
To reword it... how to run midi between PC programs on the same machine?
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-05-13 19:52:28
There are a few options here.
- Bome MIDI Translator Pro (MT Pro) - This has capability of creation virtual ports as well as complex MIDI Translation and routing. It can handle up to 9 virtual ports. One end of the virtual port must be Bome MIDI Translator Pro and the other an MIDI enabled application or MIDI device (or a Bome Network Port to another computer). In your applications you communicate with the virtual ports and MT Pro handles the MIDI routing and translation.
- Unlimited Virtual Ports - This product is in Beta and has the capability to create routing between created virtual ports. You can create static routes between inputs and output (connectors) to these ports with the Bome Network tool. If you are interested it testing this feature, click "Contact" on this web site.
Note that MT Pro will be better suited for dynamic routing and complex translations but you need to use the names it assigns (you cannot create your own name). While Unlimited virtual ports you can create your own names but the routing is static (you can change routes through a manual process) and a bit less intuitive (but I can help here).
Just a final note, there are other vendors that offer MIDI pipes that you can look at but as I have seen, there are some issues. First, they are one two way so it is easier to get into MIDI loop issues. The other is that for every MIDI message, there are two calls to the host operating system so they are less efficient.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist