2020-05-15 18:34:41
I'm new here and also rather new with MIDI hardware and software. Sorry for my poor English language. I'm using Bome Pro to map Arturia Beatstep in some graphical software. I would like to use two different midi signals when they are used together as a an input. For example Pad8 is translated for an down arrow key on the keyboard, and Pad16 as a up arrow. Is it possible to have a separate translator when the Pad8 and Pad16 are pressed together - for example Pad8+Pad16 gives me and cmd+A keystroke. I'm sorry if the question is stupid and this is obvious that in MIDI this is impossible.
Best regards,
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-05-15 23:52:29
Hi and welcome.
Yes, this can be done.
We use a global variable ga to control which key stroke is pressed. We use it as a bit map with the following values.
ga=0 - No Pads Pressed
ga=1 - Pad 8 Pressed
ga=2 - Pad 16 Pressed
By ORing the bits we will get ga=3 when both pads are pressed simultaneously.
We set the bit when we press the pad, and clear it when we release it.
We have to use a timer to give a little slop for the users. (Just try pushing two keys at the EXACT same time in milliseconds).
So on key down I set a 100ms one shot timer called "Key Down"
There are 3 translators that are triggered by the timer and depending on the the value of ga, only one will fire a keystroke.
I don't have an Arturia so you will need to change the incoming triggers for the pads. Also I'm on a PC so I generated Cntrl-C instead of Cmd-C for simultaneous press of the keypads.
At project start I set the value of ga to 0 with an Init timer. I also use an ESC trigger for that same timer in case I just want to reset the variable.
Keeping all of your global variables initialized in one place is good practice as it make them self documenting so you can remember which ones you are used and what for.
I've attached the project file.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist
2020-05-20 14:24:30
thank You very much for the answer. It looks a little bit complicated but I will try to add this to my preset. Thanks!
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-05-20 14:59:28
Yes, I know it looks a bit complicated but what you are doing is also somewhat complicated. Fortunately MT Pro can handle it.
Reach out to me here if you need any additional help.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist