2020-05-19 02:47:22
Hi There,
I'm trying to work out if I can use Bome Box (configured with Midi Translator Pro) to use my Qu 16 faders to control hard-to-access internal parameters back inside the Qu16 without a computer connected. The way I see it, I can setup a qu custom layer, and have all faders send generic midi messages out --> Bome Box --> Translate to what I want (MSB/LSB messages) --> back into Qu 16...
But I'm confused/concerned by the lack of Qu16 midi connectivity. It has a USB B port; but that states it needs a driver for windows... I'm not sure that the Bome Box will connect to this?
It also has a single ethernet port for TCP connection - will this port send AND recieve to and from the Bome Box? Or is it just one way??
Sorry - I know I'm talking about another manufacturers functionality here; but I do see that Bome "supports allen heath Qu mixers"; and I'm wondering if you've tested this out-of-Qu(16/24/32) --> back-into-Qu(16/24/32) functionality (or if you know it's possible etc.).
If this is not possible; then I assume the functionaility would work one way into Qu16 via TCP, and I'd need to use a separate midi controller to control my chosen Qu features?... Which is ok; but if the above is possible, that's way better for my application :)