Bomebox Software keeps sending "connection closed by remote party" notifications


2020-05-25 20:34:05


I have connected both my PC and my Bomebox via Ethernet and everything is working fine but I am getting a "connection closed by remote party: connection got closed" error notification quite often After the erorr, the software immediately connects to the bomebox again and everything is working flawlessly.
Does anyone have any idea whats wrong and how to get rid of the notifications?

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-05-25 21:17:56


I think the issue most likey is that there is a stale connection in one direction while an active connection in the other direction. 


Try disconnecting them completely. Then either from your PC or from your BomeBox (but not both) initiate a new connection.  Then the problem should go away.

If for some reason you have trying initiating connections in each direction, I've seen this before.

I usually like to initiate the connection from BomeBox and the accept the connection on my PC or Mac.  But this is a personal preference because I like the Bome Network interface on the computer which doesn't require a browser open to accept the connection.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist


2020-05-25 21:58:20

I just discconected and tried reconnecting only via the Web Interface but I do unfortunately still get the connection closed notifications.

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-05-25 22:02:09

How are your connections set up?  I understand you are using ethernet and not WiFi, right? Is you computer and BomeBox both set up as a DHCP clients attached to the same DHCP master or are you using fixed IP's?  If fixed IP's are there any DHCP servers that might be assigning the same IP? How much traffic is on your network?

Sounds to me that maybe it is more a network related issue.


2020-05-25 22:37:16

Yes, I'm using ethernet and both are setup as Static DHCP clients on a special VLAN for my music production equipment. There isn't much traffic on the network and every other device is working flawlessly. Is there any way to get a more specific error from the Bomebox Software? Something like a debug mode so I can find out what exactly happens?

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-05-26 00:20:54

I'm pretty sure the connection sequence is simple UDP packets. I assume your devices are on the same network.  Could you show me screen shots of your BomeBox Ethernet and WiFi settings? What version of BomeBox and Bome Network are you using. Is you computer PC or Mac?

I'll check with Florian on any other troublshooting procedures.  I know there is a new version of Bome Network currently in Beta and a new version of BomeBox firmware also coming along soon. 

For me it just "connects" and the only time I loose connections over ethernet is if I shut something off.  I've had some WiFi environments, however that vary in reliabiliy based on location.  Also it is important that you don't try and connect via both WiFi and ethernet concurrently as they will fight each other for the connection. Best to turn your WiFi off on you BomeBox just in case that is what is happening.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-05-26 00:39:52

Oh and if you want to keep WiFi active set it up as a HotSpot and not an access point. As an access point it will use a DHCP address provided by the attached ethernet master, so you might get two different addresses on the network broadcasting your BomeBox name (1 via WiFi and 1 via ethernet). Best to keep the completely separate in this case.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist


2020-05-26 02:02:40

I'm not using WiFi at all, everything is just connected via ethernet. WiFi is also disabled on the Bomebox. I attached the screenshots.



Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-05-26 02:11:19

This all looks good. Thanks!  Can you take a screenshot of your network MIDI page?

Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist


2020-05-26 02:15:58

Here you go.


Network MIDI.PNG

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-05-26 02:17:22

OK Thanks and version of BomeBox and Bome Network Software?



2020-05-26 02:18:39

My Bomebox's firmware is 1.4.1, Bome Network is v1.2.1

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-05-26 02:21:56

Something looks amiss. Your BomeBox is on 192.168.2.x and connected to PC on 192.168.6.x  which is a different network so maybe you have a routing issue somewhere in your network.

They need to be on the same network to see the broadcast packets which are used to connect them unless you have a managed switch that is doing some special network routing/broadcasting.



2020-05-26 02:23:18

I have just put them on two different subnets to check out if the error persists, they were on the same subnet (192.168.6.X) before and had the same issues.

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-05-26 02:34:42

Thanks! Checking with Florian for more ideas. Best if you could simplify your test network configuration to elliminate something there as a potential issue.  Maybe you should download and test Bome Network V1.2.9 Beta.  I'll see if Florian can get you pre-release of BomeBox Firmware as well.

Florian Bome

2020-05-26 14:44:48

Hi, sorry for that problem!

Both the BomeBox and the Bome Network tool have a diagnostics log:
In BomeBox web config, go to the "Log" page. You can even enable "verbose" mode, where it starts capturing even more data.

For Bome Network, the log file "BomeNet.log" is in your temp folder. On Mac, this is "/tmp" (use Finder's "Go to..." menu function o browse the /tmp folder). On Windows, type %TEMP% into the address bar of an explorer window to get to the temp folder.

We have very rarely experienced such a problem when doing stress tests, but could not reproduce it. We have put in measures to prevent that, even though we could not really find out the real culprit. So I would be very interested if it works better for you with the Bome Network BETA and the next firmware 1.4.2, due to be released in a few days. I'll contact you in private for the firmware download. You can always go back to the current Bome Network and BomeBox firmware if you want.
