patrick rainsberry
2020-05-30 19:23:31
Hello, I purchased Midi Translator Pro and am still blown away by everything it opens up. But I need some advice, and I think the solution might just be BOME Box, which is a totally acceptable answer. But I want to check before I purchase.
Here is my current setup:
Pioneer Squid ==midi_cable==> Roland MX-1 ==usb_midi==> laptop_Bome_MTP ==usb_midi==> Arturia Drum Brute
AND this:
Pioneer Squid ==midi_cable==> Arturia Drum Brute
Which is mostly just sending clock, but allows for sequencing single hits of drums outside the drumbrute programmed patterns.
Midi Translator Pro lets me do something very cool here. I am sending Midi CC from the Squid and using MTP to convert it to program change on the drum machine. This allows me to switch drum patterns on the fly and also (through some other trickery) essentially get "song mode" for the drum machine on the squid.
I have tried two methods.
On Drumbrute I can have program change trigger on "next bar." In that case I need to send the CC from the squid just BEFORE the bar I want the change. It works but makes for VERY akward programing. But the result is perfect.
Second option is to set Drumbrute to trigger instantly on program change. This would be ideal. The challenge is that there is just enough latency that it still kicks in on 2/16 beat. So say there was a sequence running and the kick was out for a build. Then on beat 1 of next bar (kick should come back) I send Midi CC=>MTP=>Drumbrute. The program change comes in just late enough to miss that first beat on the kick, clearly unacceptable LOL.
So my question (sorry for long backstory) if my setup became this:
Pioneer Squid ==midi_cable==> BOME_Box ==midi_cable==> Arturia Drum Brute
Is it your estimation that the program change would arrive at the DrumBrute "in time" to change the program BEFORE the first beat of the first bar?
The other thought I have had would be to put a small delay (few milliseconds) on EVERYTHING except the program change, but that feels like a recipe for disaster.
I know that was a long post for one question, but if the answer is no, maybe some other tips would be greatly appreciated. Loving the software, would be happy with an excuse to get it to full hardware.