Oliver Oliverio
2020-06-03 07:04:34
Steinberg CC121 AI Knob Emulator
I currently have a Steinberg CC121 controller that features an AI knob. This allows you modify any parameter that the mouse cursor is currently above. You can imagine how much more efficient this is compared to mouse click/dragging, or mapping out individual parameters to various midi controller knobs which you may or may not remember. This was a great idea, but only worked for Steinberg plugins and very few others.
How do I emulate this in MT pro? In other words, how do I trigger a mouse click, hold, and drag with the turn of a midi controller knob (in my case I'll be using a Midi Twister Fighter by DJ Tech Tools)
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-06-03 14:44:47
You should be able to get similar behavior with a MIDI Fighter twister. I would recomment you use the push encoder down to initiate a click down action, then twist to initiate mouse movement action and then release to release the click. Depending on your application the drag operation might be up and down or left and right.
I've attached a project file with the values of one of my knobs performing this action although I'm doing it with Ableton Live instead of Cubase. The encoder is set for type 3F/41 (relative).
The click down sets the value of ga to 1 (indicating click down)
The movement only happens if ga=1 (you are clicked down)
The click up sets the value backof ga back to 0 (indicating release click)
Just float your mouse over the desired control, click and turn your encoder and release it when done.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist
Oliver Oliverio
2020-06-04 18:28:05
I was think even skipping the click/press down event. Is that required to ensure proper functionality of the translator? I'll take a look at the .bmtp file soon, but I was thinking we set a condition, "if rotary knob movement" engage "mouse click and hold" while adjust modulation parameter. And then have another case when knob movement is in the other direction.
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-06-04 20:19:40
Well that might work but, probably not a good idea as what if you bump your knob (moving it) unintentionlly? It will click and drag wherever you currently are on your screen. Also, there would need to be a time out so that whenever knob movement stopped for a specific period of time, the mouse up action would occur.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist