Ratios, variable upper and lower limits for faders


2020-06-04 14:56:45

I thought this would be a lot easier... maybe I've fried my brain today on other bome matters... But I'm really stumped on how to use a full range of 0-127 to gradually modify a smaller value range... e.g. "64".

I've tried many "basic math" approaches, but keep getting screwy results (e.g. large value jumps), particularly around the value "63/64" (halfway).


"ja" is 0-127 control variable

"jq" is a user set default lower limit - e.g. "20" (when ja=0; "pp" or whatever = 20) 

"jr" is the "mod" upper limit - e.g. "60" (when ja=127; "pp" or whatever = 60) 

What is the right / clean way to go use ja to change a value from 20-60 gradually across its full range?? Apologies if this is very basic - I've treid searches and can't find anythihg, and I've been stuck on this for hours and hours now :-/

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-06-04 15:03:42

Yes, although I did a video on this, I actually trip myself up sometime so refer back to my own tutorial.

What you are talking about is "Scaling" as shown in the below video.  




If you are still having trouble after viewing the video, feel free to check back in with me here.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist


2020-06-04 15:48:54

OMG... a whole video pre-made for this exact function :) ... I'll try this technique in the morning (getting late here in Australia)... But I'm watching the vid now.... wouldn't be surprised if multiply-before-division and rules of thumb like that are my downfall...

Thanks dude... I think I'll be able to sleep better now knowing that there's an answer out there... :)


2020-06-04 16:14:42

Ahh... This bugged me for so long I've jumped out of bed to take a quick look.. I think it's just flat out working straight away with your technique... seriously Steve - thanks mate... I've done some really great and tricky things today with bome.... but this was melting my brain big time. My approach (or one of them) was the same, except for the order of multiplying / dividing... I guess that was throwing it out of whack?!... pfft... I don't care - seems to be working now :)

I like the simplicity of your example. I need to be more comfortable reusing/changing variables like that - things like: "ss=ss+00" that I've just used to make this work in my project... I forget - this is not a maths equation (where ss=ss+oo doesn't make sense unless oo=zero) - it's a function, like: "with this, now do that" ... ! :)

Thanks again...


2020-06-09 08:01:56


Working it out in excel helped me a lot here.

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-06-09 16:38:13


Yes, I sometimes use a spreadsheet as well to make sure I get the conversion right.