2020-06-06 17:43:42
Hi, hope everyone is staying safe and well in these strange times!
I'm using an SSL Nucleus with Waves LV1 in Mackie Control mode. I'm looking to trigger the Aux sends and flip faders with one button push.
The V-Pot assign for the Aux is 0x29 then you have to bank through to page 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15 respectively to get access to Aux 2-8.
I'd like to trigger with one key Aux select, bank to page 3 and flip off one key command.
I've had a look on you tube at Steve's tutorial about multiple actions off one event and put a translator together for Aux 1 and 2 to see if I'm in the right ball park.
Just looking for advice as I'm new to this and not 100% sure what I'm doing.
many thanks in advance
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-06-06 20:35:05
Have you tried it? I think you are on the right track however:
1) You should define your input and output ports at the preset level instead of the translator level to avoid having to make changes to many translators if the configuration changes slightly.
2) You have output porrts a ipMIDI Port 1 and ipMIDI port 2. Why are use sending to two different ports? I assum you want to only send these commands to your Waves LV1 application. Typically. I create an alias for the port that I'm sending to (like "Application"). That way again if the configuration changes, you just redefine your alias if your port names change.
3) Depending on the performance of the application, you might want to put small delay between MIDI messages by having no delay for the initial message and maybe 10ms delay for the second, 20ms for the third etc.
The sequence for Aux1 (note 20) seems to be
1) Select Track 6
2) V-Select (VPOT Push) 7 (I don't see a flip message which I think is 0x32)
For Aux 2
1) Select Track 6
2) V-Select 7
3) V-Select 6
4) V-select 6
Bank Right is 0x2f and Bank Left is 0x2D
It may be that Waves LVL1 changed some of these messages from the standard Mackie Protocol. Many DAW vendors do this, so some of you Mackie Mappings may be different for your DAW.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
2020-06-06 21:40:19
Hi Steve thanks for your answer.
I've reconfigured as suggested, that saves time!
I've also took another look and realised some of my assignments were wrong, thanks for that!
It's still not working though, i think the route of it is I'm trying to send it back to the nucleus and not to LV1. I want to flip the faders on the aux groups not in the software.
with Aux 1 it puts the flip fader light on but doesn't actually flip the faders. do you know away round this?
also the bank doesn't seem to work
best regards
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-06-06 22:17:05
Well Jimi,
I'm still not sure why it would work with the button assignments you have. I'm also not sure which defined port is your SSL and which is your LV1.
You still haven't defined your ports t the preset level. You have them defined at the translator level. I suggest you take a look at the below video to understand the concepts here.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
2020-06-06 22:40:17
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-06-06 23:18:07
What port are you using for your Waves LV1 application?
You will probably need to define your input as IPmidi 1 and output as a virtual port in MT Pro. Then set your LV1 application to look at that virtual port instead of directly at the SSL.
Then you will probably need to define a MIDI thru path for LED feedback from LV1 back to the SSL.
Right now you don't appear to be talking at all with your LV1 application. (at least not through MT Pro)
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
2020-06-06 23:33:20
Hi Steve,
The midi command is only controlling the nucleus and not the lv1.
if you see the video you'll see what im trying to do
many thanks
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-06-06 23:36:04
This is likely how you will want to set up your projects. The red arros are MIDI THRU paths and messages just pass through to and from the application untouched. The translators are the once you set up to perform multiple actions as you had requested. From the LV1 perspective, we are talking Mackie Mode through Virtual MIDI Ports.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
2020-06-07 01:14:07
Hi Steve, thank you for the diagram thats really helpful and will implement this as there other things I'd like to implement where this will come in really handy.
I'm sure the translation right now but I think the issue is of it over riding what ever is going on at that time on the nucleus. I've done another video to help to explain what I'm hoping to achieve.
Many thanks for your help
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-06-07 01:24:47
Hi, I will have to wait before viewing the video since it says you are still uploading. However either I misunderstand the capability of the SSL or you do.
Most Mackie compatible controllers don't by themselves perform the functions. They send MIDI to the DAW which in turn sends messages back to the controller to tell it what to do such as turn on lines, position faders, provide V-POT feedback, update text displays etc. The controller itself really doesn't usually have any "smarts".
Are you trying to bypass what LV1 would normally be sending back?
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-06-07 03:26:21
Yes, I think I know what you are trying to do, however what you want your controller to do and displays to do is pretty much handled on the DAW, so you need to send the proper keystrokes to the LV1 and not to SSL and then have LV1 send back the right messages to SSL to display the parameter page etc.
As far a flip, a flip message does not control how the SSL acts at all, it just tells LV1 to act differently so that you can switch between faders and V-POTS.
In a nutshell, you need to send the proper commands to your DAW (LV1) from your SSL as SSL is nothing more than a sort of input output device (as smart as it is since it can use ethernet), but the displays are pretty much handled by the DAW.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-06-07 03:26:23
Yes, I think I know what you are trying to do, however what you want your controller to do and displays to do is pretty much handled on the DAW, so you need to send the proper keystrokes to the LV1 and not to SSL and then have LV1 send back the right messages to SSL to display the parameter page etc.
As far a flip, a flip message does not control how the SSL acts at all, it just tells LV1 to act differently so that you can switch between faders and V-POTS.
In a nutshell, you need to send the proper commands to your DAW (LV1) from your SSL as SSL is nothing more than a sort of input output device (as smart as it is since it can use ethernet), but the displays are pretty much handled by the DAW.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
2020-06-07 12:10:56
Hi Steve,
I've routed like you said and I'm still running into the same road blocks.
I'm trying to work on the Aux 1 at the minute as its the easiest. When I deactivate the flip and just try and get the aux vpot assignment to work nothing is happening. I know everything is correct with the midi messages. The surface isnt seeing it as a new command.
With flip it see's the command as the light turns on but it doesn't actually flip and I have to push the button to engage flip then again to disengage flip.
I've loaded the file to see what you think
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-06-07 19:17:33
Hi Jimi,
It looks like you had Translaore 0.2 set to go to your controller instead of BMT 1. The preset was set correctly but your translator overrode the preset. Try the attached.
I tested with my Mackie MCU compatible controller (X-touch Compact) using Cubase 10.5 on Windows.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
2020-06-07 20:26:10
Hey Steve, thanks for this.
I've just test it and it doesn't work for me. I can see in the log window the midi but nothing happening. The flip light doesn't appear anymore.
On your test setup does it work as expected with the v pot selection and flip the faders?
that you for your patience!
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-06-07 20:39:06
Yes working perfectly for me. Cubase sends back the LED to the flip LED. Faders and V-Pots switch. Mackie Monitor shows sends. My guess is that maybe there is still an input or output or path set incorrectly.
Showing the log window and checking all boxes while pushing the target button should show what is happening.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
2020-06-07 21:28:48
Hey Steve, I feel so close yet so far away! haha
was it working with the file you sent? I'm wondering whether its a nucleus thing?
best regards
2020-06-08 21:06:57
Hi Steve, I think its an LV1 issue as I thought to try it in Logic and it works fine.
I'm going to talk to waves support and see what they say and will post back findings for reference
Thanks again
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-06-08 22:38:57
Yes, I suspected as much. Many vendors do things a little different with the Mackie Protocol. The main things you can pretty much depend on is V-POT's and faders, but after that, each DAW seems a bit different. The best way I've been able to see what is going on is to manually send individual messages to see what happens and then you can automate as you are looking at doing.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz