Pro Tool - IAC Driver


2020-07-03 09:18:34



This might be too Pro Tools specific, but...

I'm trying to send midi from Pro Tools via IAC, translate in Bome's, then back via IAC into Pro Tools. My issue is that when trying to do program changes on the midi track in Pro Tools, I get this error:


"MIDIServer patch file, bank, or mode information not available for this MIDI instrument"


I can click out of it and I can make the program changes, but the error creates workflow problems. Does anyone know how to solve this? I just need this error message to be suppressed.



Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-07-03 16:32:03


I'm not sure but I think the IAC driver is a 1 way pipe so you cannot use the same IAC port in both directions. Either create a new IAC MIDI port for the reverse direction or better still use Bome Virual MIDI Ports. Once you get the ports set up, your controller will likely need to have HUI support (for Pro Tools) or if not, use Bome MIDI Translator Pro to translate between HUI and whatever MIDI messages your controller supports. What type of control surface are you trying to connect?

When I was working with Pro Tools a while back, I put together a quick video of how to set it up. In the video, I'm doing it on a PC but the procedure is very similar for Mac (which I also got working).


Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:




2020-07-03 21:11:54

Hey Steve,

Sorry, I should have been more specific. I am trying to send MIDI information out of a MIDI track, into Bome's to be processed, and then back into another instrument track running Kontakt.

It seems like I would need to use different MIDI ports for sending out of the MIDI track and back into Kontakt.

When I tried using the Virtual Bome Ports (out of 1 and back into 2), it would actually crash Pro Tools everytime. I'm not sure why.

Anyway, I realize this might be something specific with Pro Tools, and not a problem which could be addressed here.


Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-07-03 22:32:42

Hi, Bome Virtual Ports can talk to external devices and to other applications. You just can't use them with both input and output to Bome MIDI Translator Pro.

For instance you cannot tie Bome Virtual Port 1 Output within MT Pro to Bome Virtual Port 2 Input to MT Pro itself.   The simple rule is that one end and only one end of a Bome Virtual Port connection should be connected to Bome MIDI Translator. If you need to do something like this, then you should be able to use a UAC port connectiong but I've never tried it.  On a PC,  I've used, loopBE, loopMIDI or Bome Unlimited Virtual Ports (beta). In any case, if you do this, care must be taken to prevent infinite MIDI loops.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:


2020-07-06 18:47:26

Okay, thanks Steve