Hi, for holding a pad, it would be note-on with whatever note number and MIDI channel your controller sends. If the pad is velocity sensitive (and I assume since it is a pad, it is), then the note-on should be any velocity.
When releasing the pad, it would be note-off with the same MIDI channel and same note as note-on.
Just be sure you hold the pad down for the duration you want to time. The outgoing action would be a timer, with a duration of 500ms (1/2 second). At the end of that time, you determine whether the note is still held down to dertermine the action. By setting a global variable (ie ga=1) when pressing the pad and returning ga to 0 when releasing the pad, you would know if it was held down for more than 1/2 second. At the end of the 1/2 second if ga=1 then you apply your \"grab\" action, however if ga=0 then you apply your hit action (< 1/2 second). You didn\'t specify what actions need to be applied for each (mouse, keystroke, MIDI message). You might need to have 2 translators that fire after 1/2 second, one that fires only if ga=1 (>1/2 second) and the other that fires only if ga=0 (< 1/2 second)
Also if your pad send channel pressure, (aftertouch) there may be other MIDI messages in between, which you should be able to safely ignore.
Translator : Note-On
Incoming: Note-On Note X MIDI CH w any velocity
// indicate on condition
// End of Rules
Outgoing: Timer \"Evaluator\" Delay 500ms
Options: Swallow
Translator : Note-Off
Incoming: Note-Off Note X MIDI CH w any velocity
// indicate on condition
// End of Rules
Outgoing: None
Options: Swallow
Translator : Evaluator send Message 1
Incoming: Timer Evaluator
// indicate on condition
if ga==0 then exit rules, skip outgoing action
// End of Rules
Outgoing: (Outgoing action for > 500ms)
Options: Swallow
Translator : Evaluator send Message 2
Incoming: Timer Evaluator
// indicate on condition
if ga==1 the exit rules, skip outgoing action
// End of Rules
Outgoing: (Outgoing action for < 500ms)
Options: Swallow
I hope this helps!
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz