Bome Network


2020-07-15 21:56:42


I purchased Bome Network, installed the software, and set up 16 virtual ports. I also uninstalled LoopB30 as a precaution.

In the project area in Bome Tranlator, I routed my controller to all 16 ports. At first, I couldn't get any response in the log window, when testing the translators. After a restart, the correct data went showed in the log window.

Unfortunately, when I tested the setup in Gig Performer and other hosts, there was no data from the DMC-122. I uninstalled the Bome ports, reinstalled LoopB and everything worked correctly.

I then checked everything in Bome Translator, uninstalled LoopB, and created ports in Bome Network a second time. I got the same result.

The Bome ports showed in Device Manager (in Sound and Software Devices). When I uninstalled LoopB, I made sure all traces were gone.

Can you help me out?



Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-07-15 22:53:15

Hi Graham,

Unlike LoopBE. In Bome Network, the virtual ports are just "endpoints" of in and out. 

If you want to connect them to something, you will need to create a MIDI route.

For instance, if you want to create a pipe, you will need to use the MIDI routing feature of Bome Network Pro to route the IN of a given virtual port to the OUT of the same given port.

See the attached diagram. I know it seems like an extra step however this allows for more flexibility as with Bome Virtual Ports you can do a lot of extra stuff. Like routing 1 in to multiple outs (for MIDI splitting) and multiple ins to 1 out (for MIDI merging).  You can even route in's to in's and out's to out's. 

In might seem confusing at first but with the right know how, you can do a lot of creative stuff.   But for know just understand the in of a virtual port to the out of the same virtual port is the same as the familiar MIDI pipe.



Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:




2020-07-15 23:55:11

Hey Steve,

Thanks so much for this. It seems the solution was staring me in the face all the while. I looked at the routing page in Bome Network and wondered why I would route a port to itself. I thought that doing the routing in the Project properties would take of that, the same as LoopB. Now I get it. 

So: create the ports, open routing and route each in port to its out counterpart. Once I've done that, do I still have to do the routing in MT Pro? I'm guessing yes, but better to be sure.

Is there a manual for Bome Network?



Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-07-16 00:43:23


You can use Bome Network Virtual ports in MT Pro, however if all you are doing is routing, there is no need to use MT Pro at all. The only reason you would need it is if you want to do some translation.  No manual for Bome Network yet, since for the most part it is just plug and play but now that virtual ports are being introduced, maybe it would be a good idea, especially with the powerful (and maybe confusing) routing features.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:


2020-07-16 01:06:13

Thanks Steve,

I have MT Pro doing a great deal already: reconfiguring output, merging channels, loading different patches based on program change notice from controller....amazing program.

Network is for me, a nice addon. I will do the following:

-setup ports in Network

-route ports in Network

-setup input routing in MT Pro

