Couple Questions


2020-07-17 11:16:28

Hi there.  I have a MIDI device that is class compliant/no driver, so it can't be seen by FL Studio and Bome MTP at the same time.  (Novation Launch Control XL).  Is there a way to 'jail break' the device so it can be seen by both programs at the same time?  So I can have some of its buttons running translators through MTP.

Also, can MTP receive input messages from a gaming mouse?

There is one with several buttons that looks interesting, maybe I can make some macroes with them.

And I ran out of output types from my qwerty keyboard.  There is no more characters that MTP can read...

As it is, I can't use things like the period dot or comma when naming things, without triggering a translator, while I have MTP running.

I've used up all the ones I can.  Is there another way I can send unique messages from my keyboard?

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-07-17 19:08:43

Hi there.  I have a MIDI device that is class compliant/no driver, so it can’t be seen by FL Studio and Bome MTP at the same time.  (Novation Launch Control XL).  Is there a way to ‘jail break’ the device so it can be seen by both programs at the same time?  So I can have some of its buttons running translators through MTP.

SJC> Windows allows access to 1 port only so if you want some messages to go to multiple locations, you can use the MT Pro router to send some messages to on virtual port (i.e BMT 1) and then other MIDI messages to another virtual port (i.e. BMT 2).  Then each application will have exclusive access to its own virtual port.

Also, can MTP receive input messages from a gaming mouse?

SJC> It really depends on the mouse driver software. Most extended sofware will use the extra gaming buttons on the mouse to send keystrokes. You will need to read the instructions that came with the mouse to figure this out or contact the manufacturer.

There is one with several buttons that looks interesting, maybe I can make some macroes with them.

SJC>  Yes, as I said, the extra buttons problably send key sequences (macros).

And I ran out of output types from my qwerty keyboard.  There is no more characters that MTP can read…

SJC> There is a drop down  menu area that you can use that allows for special character input.

As it is, I can’t use things like the period dot or comma when naming things, without triggering a translator, while I have MTP running.

SJC> If you are triggering events with these messages, you probably do not have "Ignore incoming keystrokes when focused".  Please go to  View-Settings and the Options ann check that box.  Then   MT Pro will accept the keystroke instead of processing it.

I’ve used up all the ones I can.  Is there another way I can send unique messages from my keyboard?


Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:




2020-07-17 20:46:39

Suppressing keystrokes doesn't help in this case, because the MTP window has to be focused for that to help.

I'm testing it right now.  The MTP window is open, with those settings enabled running behind google chrome,  and typing this out isn't working, it's firing off translators.  I had requested a 'suspend MTP' feature.  It's just a minor request though.  I do need these translators to be working when using FL Studio.  So what I currently do is just close MTP whenever I use the internet.  Then open it again when swapping back to FL Studio.  Which involves the whole MIDI Buddy output port/suspend hotkeys setup process.

I forgot that the gaming mice can be set up to send keystrokes.  That was a dumb question.  But I've ran out of keystrokes.

I'm going to try this 'virtual port' thing soon.

Yes, some of those 'special keys' for input I haven't used.  Now just how to get the keyboard to send those characters.  I was more wondering how to maybe have MTP see a qwerty keyboard stroke as a CC number or something, I dunno.  I can have almost unlimited unique CC messages, but limited qwerty buttons.

I have 110 macros on my keyboard FL Studio profile, 6 on my mouse.

And then there are several macros that I never moved over to MTP, for MIDI Buddy to take over (so the mouse doesn't bounce) because I have no more unique characters to send to MTP.  So they stay in Corsair's iCue.


Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-07-17 21:14:32

Hi, when developing the application, supress keystrokes so that you can enter them into the text box instead of processing them.  When development is complete, then you can uncheck the box so that normal processing happens.

You can use the Windows Character Mapper to select certain keys and then use the Alt Sequence in the lower right corner to enter them into MT Pro (if keystrokes are suppressed). As you can see in the illustration, the keystroke for the registered trademark is Alt(0174).


Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:




Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-07-17 21:18:38


Another thing to remember is incoming keystrokes are still sent to the active window and are never suppressed. You would need another tool (like AutoHotKey) if you want to suppress the original incoming keystroke.


2020-07-17 21:35:31

Yes, I know suppressing keystrokes is for the developing.  Actually, could you teach Corsair that feature, as I have to use the Windows on-screen keyboard every time I want to make a macro in iCue.

The question was how I can have Bome running in the background but have it temporarily suspended.  Not in the foreground.  Not building translators.  The program loaded and running, but inactive.  A hotkey to toggle active/inactive.  So I can push the hotkey instead of having to close MTP and MB and then go back and load them up again.

The character map is a great solution, thank you.  Tried it in wordpad and it actually makes a symbol.  Nice, I will try and struggle in some macro changes with that.




2020-07-17 21:44:01

Actually I just noticed the big stop sign on the top right.  'Panic'.  It says that it stops the engine.  

I know about panic buttons, but didn't know this one was latching.  I have it stopped right now, and seems to be working.  Nevermind then.

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-07-17 21:57:28


Great, that was what I was about to suggest. About Corsair, I know nothing about that.


2020-07-17 22:15:30

Ya.  Even Corsair doesn't know about Corsair hahaha.

The hotkey for this 'panic' button is Shift+Esc.  That fires up the task manager in google chrome.

So I have to bring MTP to the forefront to use the panic button.  ?  Can I make some kind of translator that the output is Shift+Esc, then MTP will read that and panic itself off?

So globally on the computer, regardless of what I'm doing, I can push a button on my keyboard and enable this panic button.  But usually when I'm using the internet.  Which is google chrome.  But that hotkey is already taken.

The character map keys aren't working, I've tried a couple.  Alt(0161) and Alt(0162).  Instead of MTP doing the translator, in both cases FL Studio asks me if I want to save the project  (Ctrl+S).  ?


My fearless picture snipper won't capture that full scrolling window for some reason.  The end says 'release alt'.

So I'm outgoing Alt(0162) from iCue and incoming Alt(0162) into MTP.  The 'text' or 'physical keys' options have the same result.


Physical Keys.png

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-07-17 23:49:54

The hotkey for this 'panic' button is Shift+Esc.  That fires up the task manager in google chrome.

SJC>  Yes I don't  think you can re-define the MT Pro defined hotkeys or use them for anything else. If you can send MIDI messages, however, you could have a incoming MIDI message with an outgoing action of Stop processing.

So I have to bring MTP to the forefront to use the panic button.  ?  Can I make some kind of translator that the output is Shift+Esc, then MTP will read that and panic itself off?

SJC>  I don't think so but again, you can   use the "Stop  Processing" output at which point only a "Start  Processing"  triggering event will  enable things again.

So globally on the computer, regardless of what I'm doing, I can push a button on my keyboard and enable this panic button.  But usually when I'm using the internet.  Which is google chrome.  But that hotkey is already taken.

SJC>  Yes, as I said, the original  keys are not suppressed  so any application that uses that particular shortcut, will still fire.  Again, you  may have some  luck  with AutoHotKey in suppressing outgoing keystrokes and remapping ingoing to different outgoing keystrokes. This is definately beyond the scope of  Bome discussion, however.

The character map keys aren't working, I've tried a couple.  Alt(0161) and Alt(0162).  Instead of MTP doing the translator, in both cases FL Studio asks me if I want to save the project  (Ctrl+S). 

SJC> Right FL Studio is probably trying to interpret these keys (because they don't get suppressed).

If you want to take up  another discussion about key suppression or key remapping using AutoHotKey, just drop me an email   and maybe I can help you under paid services.  

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:


2020-07-18 04:16:55

The keyboard wasn't outputting the characters.  Checked with notepad.  I read the microsoft help about it.

Apparently you need numlock on and you have to use the numpad for windows to recognize it as unicode, for it to translate the code into a character.

In FL Studio, I have to have numlock off to use a big portion of my macros.  With numlock on, the keys just send the numbers, and iCue doesn't see them as the macroes.  Well great.  I can't use that whole page of special characters.  Unless I can somehow find a way to use the macroes with numlock on.

Don't know what the second half of the characters are.  U+   ?  Don't know what they mean by U+.

I understand Alt+.  You hold down Alt.  Don't understand U+.  I tried holding U.  Anyway, I'll keep trying.

'Disable Processing' is acting funny.  It doesn't like some special keys, like 'apps' and I can't have it as a toggle, one button to disable/enable.  I have to have it as two keys and use it with regular keystrokes.  That kind of sucks.

I'm going to avoid autohotkey as much as possible, but we will see.


2020-07-18 05:24:51

I jumped the gun on my numpad issue.  Funny story, that I had asked that same question a few years ago on the Corsair forum, and got a reply that fixed the problem.  I never followed up with that.  I found that same reply today.  That reply fixed my old problem that I had given up on, and this new one too.  Small world haha.

All I had to do was add \'press numlock\' on the front and back of each macro I want used without numlock on.

So ya, all the characters are going to work for me, depending on how I do it.  Thanks again!   :)

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-07-18 14:44:25


So it looks like you have things worked out. Yes, forgot to mention the numbers are those on the num pad only. Let me know if you need anything else. Steve Caldwell Bome Customer Care Also available for paid consulting services:


2020-07-18 22:13:14

Hi, sorry but I can't seem to get this virtual port thing working with the Novation Launch Control XL.  I tried basically every routing I can think of.

No matter what I do, if Bome is running, FLS says 'One device can't be opened.  Maybe it's used by another program or have enough memory'.  If I close Bome, it runs fine in FLS.

The knobs on the unit I need to link with FLS parameters, but the buttons I need running mouse translators through Bome MTP.




Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-07-18 23:17:46


Try the attached.

The input is from Launch Control XL at the project level.

Preset 0 (Knobs) is set up to send only to FL Studio 1 (which on my system is aliased to BMT 1)

The translator under that preset will take any CC and pass it through untouched

Preset 1 (Buttons) has two translators. One for note-on and one for note-off.  At the preset level everything is routed to FL Studio 2 (which on my system is aliased to BMT 2)

Again, the messages are just passed through.

In FL Studio I disabled the input from Launch Control XL (remember only one application can access a given MIDI port at a time on Windows.  Instead I have my inputs defined as BMT 1 (for CC)  and BMT 2 for (for notes). I have them both set up as generic hardware ports so you will need to do the CC and Note mapping yourself. If you want different note or CC mapping, you will need to modify or add translators to MT Pro for what you want.

Right now, I'm not looking for any revers mapping (FL Studio back to your Launch Control XL).

It is important that you don't try to open the original LaunchControl XL ports in FL Studio and use the Virtual ports instead.


Review the below tutorial for how you can use presets and translators to route given MIDI message.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:







2020-07-21 01:06:17

Awesome that's working good.

I want to make you aware of some MTP glitchyness.  A couple of things:

-FLS is set to open MTP when FLS opens.  But when I just open MTP by itself, lately half the time it just closes itself (crashes).  I have to restart the computer for it to work normal.

-Sometimes stopping MTP processing works, and sometimes it doesn't have any affect.  Either with the stop sign button, or the hotkey I set up to 'stop processing'.  I will be typing something out, and the mouse will be firing off translators, even with MTP stopped.  So I have to close it entirely to type out something.

-One of the things that is most affected by MTP processing is my space bar.  With MTP running, whether it's processing or not, I have no translators involved with the space bar.  Sometimes my spacebar doesn't work at all.  But when MTP is not running, the space bar always works.

These glitches are kind of recent.  Don't know what's going on, they are kind of random.  Sometimes it happens and sometimes it works fine.  They might be somehow related to MIDI Buddy, or the fact that I recently set up FLS to launch MTP at startup.  Don't know, just wanted to make you aware of them.

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-07-21 01:39:38


You should really start things in this order.


  1. MT Pro
  2. MIDIBuddy
  3. FL Studio

I would set it up so MT Pro opens the other 2 and not the other way around.  The logic behind this is that applications tend to try and open MIDI ports when they are opened. So making sure MT Pro and whatever it needs first is opened.  Then MIDIBuddy so that it can gain controll of BMT 1. Then FL Studio





2020-07-21 02:28:04

Ok that makes sense.  That's what I did, thanks again.