Hi there. I have a MIDI device that is class compliant/no driver, so it can’t be seen by FL Studio and Bome MTP at the same time. (Novation Launch Control XL). Is there a way to ‘jail break’ the device so it can be seen by both programs at the same time? So I can have some of its buttons running translators through MTP.
SJC> Windows allows access to 1 port only so if you want some messages to go to multiple locations, you can use the MT Pro router to send some messages to on virtual port (i.e BMT 1) and then other MIDI messages to another virtual port (i.e. BMT 2). Then each application will have exclusive access to its own virtual port.
Also, can MTP receive input messages from a gaming mouse?
SJC> It really depends on the mouse driver software. Most extended sofware will use the extra gaming buttons on the mouse to send keystrokes. You will need to read the instructions that came with the mouse to figure this out or contact the manufacturer.
There is one with several buttons that looks interesting, maybe I can make some macroes with them.
SJC> Yes, as I said, the extra buttons problably send key sequences (macros).
And I ran out of output types from my qwerty keyboard. There is no more characters that MTP can read…
SJC> There is a drop down menu area that you can use that allows for special character input.
As it is, I can’t use things like the period dot or comma when naming things, without triggering a translator, while I have MTP running.
SJC> If you are triggering events with these messages, you probably do not have "Ignore incoming keystrokes when focused". Please go to View-Settings and the Options ann check that box. Then MT Pro will accept the keystroke instead of processing it.
I’ve used up all the ones I can. Is there another way I can send unique messages from my keyboard?
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz