2020-08-09 18:40:03
Hi everyone,
I'm new to the whole BomeBox universe so far but - even though I'm struggling a bit right now - let me say that I already love the almost endless capabilities! We're a Female Fronted Metal Duo from Berlin, Germany, playing every instrument on our own on stage, using Ableton Live for that and the BomeBox has been the solution I was looking for regarding all the functions, etc.
I would say I'm pretty firm with technical stuff, including network protocols, standard MIDI functionality, etc. and I've gone through the manual AND the YouTube tutorials but I'm still feeling like I'm missing information and I just can't get it figured out on my own, so really hope you're able to help me, feeling a bit dumb here :-/
So, regarding the problem:
We currrently have two BomeBoxes running, named BomeBox SLY and BomeBox VALY, a third one will be added in future. BBSLY is directly connected to an unmanaged 16 Port PoE Switch, via Cat 7. BBVALY gets its power from the PoE Out of BBSLY. I already properly installed them and did the basic configurations done, like password, firmware update, pairing etc. BBVALY works as Ethernet Master; BBSLY, Mac Pro and all other devices in our network are slaves. BBVALY, BBSLY and Mac Pro are paired.
When accessing each boxes Web Config, all devices pop up in MIDI Port section, so they're plugged in correctly, I assume. I've already bought & installed unlimited MIDI Ports Add-On, as well as MIDI Translator Pro (for future stuff). But well, that's where the problems begin: I don't know where and how to properly configure the MIDI Routing, so that:
- all devices plugged in @BBSLY communicate with Ableton (so that I can see them in Abletons MIDI config page, each device on its own)
- all devices plugged in @BBVALY communicate with Ableton (need to see each separate device in MIDI config of Ableton as well)
- (I've attached a picture of how it should look like from some days ago where I've only used a huge USB Hub for all of our MIDI devices and the overall MIDI plan, hope that helps)
- no communication between BBSLY and BBVALY necessary yet
I'm aware of the MIDI Routing function in web config and already tried:
- Routing Launchkey 1 (for example) to Mac Pro and Mac Pro to Launchkey 1
But when switching to Ableton, only both of the network streams (SLYBome Net and ValyBome Net) are chooseable as MIDI Ports. Already learned that this is because current firmware only supports one Ethernet stream, correct? So I thought, okay, let's switch to Bome Network Tool and just make a new virtual midi port, named Launchkey for example. And indeed, this one pops up in Ableton then...but still can't get a MIDI signal from the Launchkey in. Besides, do I need to choose the Launchkey in MIDI routing or the USB Launchkey (Alias)? Also noticed that you have MIDI routing options in the Network Tool as well...and that confused me..I just don't know where to make the correct settings for that since there are multiple options (web config, network tool or should I use Translator Pro?)
I know that this is a beginner question, really feeling stupid here but yeah.. Help please :-(