2020-08-22 03:05:37
Currently the Bome log window displays MIDI from all ports on my computer. It would simplify things greatly for trouble shooting purposes if Bome had a simple filter selection for which ports to display MIDI in its log window. Ideally, a separate for MIDI in, and MIDI out.
In my workflow, I have several devices and several virtual devices, and when I troubleshoot my translators, I have to see multiple copies of the MIDI data as it passes from device to device. Sometimes this is useful, but often it slows me down. Sometimes I would just like to display the MIDI coming from my external device, and then who the MIDI data being send to my DAW through a virtual MIDI port. My current work-around is to create two additional virtual MIDI devices as “test points” and then use the BMT router to send copies of the data I want to see to the virutal MIDI devices. Then I use MIDI-OX to display the MDI.
It would be more efficient if I could just select the ports (device and direction) to display from within BMT.
p.s. I accidentally marked as resolved, my recent posting on a feature request to simply the creation of translators by adding additional capabilities for string variables, and string operators etc.. Could you please change its status back to UNRESOLVED? Thanks.