Using windows key + mouse wheel as a CC (OSD?)


2020-09-02 21:42:03

Hi fellas. Trying to send windows key + mousewheel to gigperformer. I have successfully been using commands like Ctrl, Alt and the F keys to change between monitoring setups. But have not been able to achieve the windows key + scrollwheel combination. Also I am wondering if an On Screen Display showing the translated Keystroke output would be possible as well.

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-09-02 22:31:09


For this, assuming you want one incoming MIDI message, you will need 3 translators.

The first translator will send Windows Down Keystrok

Then after a delay (in this example 50 ms), we send a scroll wheel message

Then after another delay (in this example 100ms), we send a Windows Up Keystroke.


In the example below, I toggle the direction (value of global variable ga)  so that on first push it sends positive direction and the next push, a negative direction.


Please give it a try.


Note, if the incoming message is also a keystroke or mouse movement, the original incoming trigger will not be suppressed.

For instance if you want to translate key stroke \"a\" to \"b\", where \"a\" is the trigger and \"b\" is the outgoing, you will get both \"a\" and \"b\" (\"a\" is not suppressed).  With this outgoing keystroke or mouse actions should always be a MIDI message or serial incoming message.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:




2020-09-03 02:27:27

Thank you for the prompt answer. But, let me excuse myself. I think I did not express my intentions in a understandable way.

What I want to do is to use the global combination Windows+Mouse wheel and translate to a CC  using Bome's MIDI output. In GigPerformer I can link to a fader so I can control overall volume with that combination

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-09-03 03:10:37

Sorry, Bome MIDI Translator does not recognize incoming mouse triggers. However if you are on a PC, I have a program called "MIDIBuddy" than can use the mouse to send SysEX messages to Bome MIDI Translator and then you should be able to translate those messages to CC.

Here is the MIDIBuddy Web Site. It was designed specifically to work with Bome MIDI Translator.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:



Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-09-03 03:31:11

Sorry, Bome MIDI Translator does not recognize incoming mouse triggers. However if you are on a PC, I have a program called \"MIDIBuddy\" than can use the mouse to send SysEX messages to Bome MIDI Translator and then you should be able to translate those messages to CC.

Here is the MIDIBuddy Web Site. It was designed specifically to work with Bome MIDI Translator.


I just tested the attached project and it works, although I recommend you use something other than the Win Key as the modifier since when you release it, the Windows Start Menu will pop up.


In the below script, I use MIDIBuddy to send a SysEx to BMT2 in Bome MIDI Translator. Bome looks at the state of the Win key and if it is pressed will pass through a CC message to BMT3  If not pressed, nothing happens.

Again you would need both MIDIBuddy and Bome MIDI Translator to use it and MIDIBuddy only runs on Windows PC.



Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:






2020-09-04 03:48:49

Thanks, Steve. I am using an app called Volume2 and it helps me control windows volume like that, and the windows menu does not pop out. Does not have MIDI out tho. Sadly I can afford any more soft now.