Terence LLoren
2020-09-09 04:58:53
I'm so stumped right now and I need some workarounds or solution for my problem. This may be specific to Digital Performer (DP) but there must be a workaround that I am not thinking about. Any help would be appreciated!
I have a Yamaha DM1000 and I want to use the fader as a switch so that when it is down, it sends a midi note, and when I push it all the way up, it outputs a midi note. On the DM1k you can program a midi message/sysex for a fader, knob, or button which is really cool. I created my own sysex message that has the typical yamaha header (F0 43 1F 3E 7F ….F7) to output into Bome. The midi notes control an external piece of hardware and Bome translates it very well. It's the software side that I need help with.
I want to record the midi notes via DP so I also output the notes via 'Bome virtual out' as an input to a midi track. What happens is that there are no midi notes going into DP. When I move the fader full up and down it turns on the 'link playback to memory' and 'link selection to memory' commands (Basically memory start and stop points like on any DAW).
I don’t think that my custom sysex has a problem because as far as I can see only the midi notes are going into DP. Also because of the Yamaha sysex header I really don’t think that it would control anything in DP (Am I wrong?)
My translator is basically as follows:
Fader all the way up (7F) MTP outputs a note on command (note 65, Velocity 127)
The 7F note also starts a timer that outputs a note off command (note 65, Velocity 0) after 100ms
Fader all the way down (00) MTP outputs a note on command (note 68, Velocity 127)
The 7F note also starts a timer that outputs a note off command (note 68, Velocity 0) after 100ms
It seems this actions somehow activates the memory command in DP. I have to do the same action (00 to 7f to 00) to activate/deactivate the memory command. Memory does not activate if I do not go all the way up (example: 00 to #<127 to 00)
As far as I can see, DP is only reading the Midi note on/off command on the virtual input. DP does register some input activity on the sysex channel but I don’t know if it is reading it.
I am able to record the same notes from the software midi keyboard with no problem. I also fed CC messages instead of sysex into MTP with the same results.
I hope this explains things. Just looking for a solution or alternative ways to send the same midi note message without activating memory.
I have attached the translator file for reference.