2020-09-18 07:04:49
Could one, in theory, make any controller send HUI messages to pro tools? If I knew what messages HUI sends for transport control (they're sysex, right?) could I make a midi controller control pro tools transport? Seems like it should be easy, if I could find what the messages are...
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-09-18 08:03:52
Indeed, I have done this in the past for several non-HUI type of controllers. The don't do SysEx yet have their own protocol Most messages are 6 byte messages and there is also a HUI ping handshake. What type of controller do you have? If you search the web for "HUI.doc" you should be able to find a document that was created by someone who pretty much reverse engineered and documented how it all works.
Building a solution, however of a given controller takes a bit of time as all non-HUI controllers are different. I think I also posted a few examples on this board that included simple fader touch and movement.
I can provide a few examples and tips here, however f you need a fully built solution for your controller type, this would be a paid engagement.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services:
Steve-Bome Forum Moderator
2020-09-18 08:18:21