2020-09-30 13:50:59
I'd like to control the filter cutoff and other parameters of my Roland MC-101 via an external absolute MIDI controller but only by a relative amount.
i.e. When my MIDI controller is at 0 then the MC-101 should do nothing, but when i turn the controller to 127, I would like the MC-101 to raise the filter from it's current value by say 50. Then when i turn my MIDI knob back to 0 the MC-101 should return to it's original value.
Is suppose i would be adding an amount to the current amount.
e.g. MC-101 Filter is set at a value of 30. When i turn the MIDI knob from 0-127, the MC-101 filter would rise 50 units to a new value of 80. When I turn the MIDI knob back to 0, the MC-101 filter would return to 30.
Is this possible?