controlsend from autohotkey


2020-10-28 10:09:47

Hi Steve,

I know this might be an edge use case, but I think you use autohotkey so I thought I would ask.

I am tring to controlsend some keypresses directly to bome MTP from autohotkey.

I am test sending various things in a loop whilst monitoring what appears in the key capture input.

the only thing I can make arrive is the ^ {ctrl} character. Everything else isn't received.

It works fine with a send {blah}. Just controlsend is not playing ball.

My audio PC runs win7.




ControlSend,,^{b},ahk_exe MIDITranslator.exe

ToolTip sending contol b to mtp

sleep 5000



It isn't an autohotkey issue as the ctrl character is arriving. Maybe something to do with how MTP hooks into the keyboard

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-10-28 13:51:10

Have you tried {Ctrl Down}b{Ctrl Up}. Instead of ^{b} ?

How to you have TitleMatchMode set? Does it match exactly with your title parameter?

Also Title matching I believe is case sensitive.

Out of the 3 I think the first solution above is the most likely fix but this question is likely better for AutoHotKey.

For Bome, uncheck the setting "Ignore keystrokes when focused" to see if that helps.

Just a few ideas from my Chromebook since right now I'm not on my Windows PC.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:


2020-10-28 14:23:48


It isn't the title match. BMT is seeing the ctrl character

amending it to {Ctrl down}b{Ctrl up} means nothing is received

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-10-28 16:33:40

OK, I spent some time testing as well and could not get it to work. I suspect that since the MT Pro User Interface is Java based, it won't accept injected keystrokes which is what I believe ControlSend actually sends for most characters. 


Maybe check with the autohotkey community to see if they have a solution.  I imagine that using a MIDI out solution from AutoHotKey to a virtual port in MT Pro would probably be more reliable.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Steve-Bome Forum Moderator

2020-10-28 17:39:44

As I expected, you will need to interface with a Java Access Bridge DLL to be able to expose the elements withing a Java GUI window.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: