insert vstfx in cubase with NRPN bcr2000


2020-11-17 18:29:24


Salut. Je souhaite insérer automatiquement un plugin dans cubase.
je l'ai fait avec un autre logiciel, puis-je le faire avec bome qui a tout 
les commandes pour le faire et n'utilise pas plusieurs logiciels.
un push sur bcr2000 par exemple ou une note au clavier ferait plusieurs actions. 
la première consiste à fermer la fenêtre de cubase intitulée TRACK CONFIGURATION. en cliquant sur la croix
dans cette fenêtre. cette première étape est essentielle, car c'est le seul moyen de savoir si
les autres actions se dérouleront bien dans la même fenêtre d'édition de configuration de canal.
 puis rouvrez-le avec un raccourci clavier. J'ai attribué le raccourci ALT + CTRL + V.

this or leaves the lane configuration window. I must then click on slot 2 to insert a plugin.
to do this, several actions must be taken one after the other. 1) click on the insert area of ​​the channel configuration window. 2) position yourself on the search area of ​​a vstfx plugin 3) write in this character zone a character string let's imagine that we are looking for the
CLA76 plugin, this search string will have "CLA76". you must then click on the plugin.
it will then be inserted into cubase.
4) you must then send a program change so that the control peripherals of the plugin select
the correct preset. for example preset 1 can edit cla76.
le preset 2 pourra éditer la réverbération XXXX. J'ai commencé j'arrive à fermer la fenêtre mais je ne suis qu'au début ... J'ai mis un lien vidéo sur ce que j'ai fait avec les autres logiciels qui ne me conviennent pas pour de nombreuses raisons.

Désolé, la qualité de la vidéo n'est pas bonne mais elle montre ce que je veux faire.
le début de la vidéo montre ce que nous faisons pour insérer manuellement. 
puis la fin de la vidéo montre comment le faire automatiquement



2020-11-17 18:41:51

Unfortunately, you will not be able to do this in MT Pro because of the first step. MT Pro has no knowledge of window names or titles.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:


2020-11-17 18:48:11

Hello Steve. Thank you for your answer. I cheated so I could do it.
 I chose to put this window on a second screen always in the same place. 
so if the window is there it will be closed. 
if it is closed the click will have no consequence.


2020-11-17 19:00:51


Glad you worked it out!


2020-11-17 19:34:37

I was successful that the beginning. closing the window. its reopening. I succeeded in making a click on slot 2 but I do not know how to do a character search yet.


2020-11-17 19:40:39


You have an outgoing action to click in the search area (you need to know the screen coordinates).  Then after a delay have another outgoing action of text with the string you want to search 4 followed by return.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:


2020-11-17 20:47:52

ok thanks i will try this


2020-11-17 23:54:27


hi Steeve.

I need your help. my macros don't work every time. sometimes two or three times in a row it works. and then it doesn't work anymore. I do not understand why. they are very simple macros. if you can help me. I leave the file here




vstfx a et z et e.bmtp


2020-11-18 00:55:25

Are any of these keystrokes also recognized as keystrokes by Cubase? If so then there may be issues as the incoming keystrokes are not suppressed which are interfering with the outgoing keystroke or mouse actions.  Try triggering instead with an un programmed incoming  MIDI message to see if it fixes it.

Also try putting a larger delay between the translators in case the application can't always keep up. The second one is only 30ms after the first and the third one only 15ms after the second. I'd put at least 50ms between each to see if that helps.

Timing of these might be the key to making them 100% reliable.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:



2020-11-18 09:08:56

hi steeve. thank you for your help. ok i will increase the values ​​by a few milliseconds. I will also use the bcr2000 to generate the NRPN so that everything runs normally. there is indeed an interaction between my entry and my exit which is not always convincing for the reasons you have given.


2020-11-18 09:26:26


i have a steeve question. I am obliged to keep the incoming so that all transactions take place? isn\'t the first incoming ctrl + alt + A enough for the full macros to run? I thought we could have an incming initially and a resulting transaction set without repeating the incoming.


2020-11-18 13:33:34

Did increasing the delay help at all? I would suggest we first see if we can get things stable with timing and if that doesn't work, see if maybe the incoming message might be messing things up. I'm always suspicious of incoming keystrokes. Of course also, the outgoing keystroke actions will require that the target application is focused otherwise it will not see them.



2020-11-18 16:51:40

Hi Steeve. yes the macro is stabilized and works every time. but I have to do the shortcut quickly and release the keys quickly. I thus increase the delay of the first transaction as well as all the others which follow it.


vstfx a et z et e.bmtp


2020-11-18 17:26:38


i dont know why but i need to change the shortcuts in cubase. by default, the recall of a position of a window in cuabse is done by the shortcut ALT + 1 if we want to recall the workspace number1. when cubase receives the command ALT + 1 from bome midi, Cubase sees Ctrl + 1 ... it's quite strange. I will try with an NRPN as incoming


2020-11-18 17:33:15

Hi, you can try the attached.


I added a translator with incoming keystroke Alt(Ctrl(A)) at the beginning with an timer action called "Alt-Ctrl-A".  The timer will only fire if the global variable ga=0. If ga is 0 then it sets ga to one and the sequence starts. Translators 1-6 handle the outgoing mouse and keystroke actions in the original timing you provided me. Instead of looking for a keystrok, the look for the incoming "Alt-Ctrl-A" timer. This way only 1 translator actually handles the trigger event.


I added translators 7 and 8. Translator 7 triggers a "Renable timer with a delay and translator 8 actually sets ga back to 0 again enabling translator 0 to allow triggering again.

You can give the timer names anything you want. For the other sequences you need to either use a different global variable than ga or bitmap ga so that only one bit of ga will represent a given sequence (using bitmapping).

Using this global variable method ensures that only the first keystroke is reognized until the entire sequence has completed.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:




2020-11-18 20:39:07


thank’s steve. i try this


2020-11-18 22:03:28


I first tried to copy the macro to a usb stick to put it on my music production computer. no problem it's copied. i copied my macro too. but this macro which worked very well on my laptop does not work on the music pc. I do not understand. I checked if the mouse coordinates were different. They are identical. I don't understand that my macro with the correct timing is not working. it seems to come from text search.



I then tried your macro. I have the same problem. it does not work

your macro only works on my laptop


The macro you made also works but if I stay too long on ctrl + alt + A there is the same problem as on my macro. it does not work. this proves you are right on the fact that there is a problem with the keyboard shortcut in input which must remain in memory ... I do not know if this is true but I see that the only time when the macro works is the fact of releasing the keys very quickly. you have to do the shortcut stealthily.



2020-11-18 22:33:38


Check to see if you have key repeat set to quickly on the problem computer.