scs.3d slider scaling

James Yo

2014-02-15 21:11:59


I am mapping the scs.3d all is ok right now but I need help for the S3 and S5 sliders. Those ones are on the left side and the right side of the circle.

Right now I have made a script to have the slider work between two values when you touch them but for the scaling it's a bit over my head.

What I have is at the min of the left S3 slider I have a min decimal value of 80 and at the max I have 115 and I would like so scale the values to have a 0 - 127 decimal midi out.

Could somebody help me on this. Besides of that the led mapping is great!

Thank you.



2014-02-15 22:46:34

Hi Yannick

Add this string into your rules and let me know how it works

Code: Select all

if pp>126 then pp=115
if pp<1 then pp=80
exit rules, execute outgoing action

James Yo

2014-02-16 03:36:19

Thank's for the info.

I have managed to get something with your code

if pp<80 then pp=1
if pp>112 then pp=126
pp=pp-1 (because I was stopping at 116)
if pp>127 then exit rules, skip outgoing action (because the fader was returnin to zero)

For the led feedback I have to use the values from 80 to 115 to have the real feedback. I will check with other software if I have to convert them. I have managed to get the feedback by using this kind of code

if pp==80 then tt=28 no led
if pp<=82 then tt=40 firs led and so on.

maybe I will try also to get some math for this but it is working.

Thank's again I will let you know if I have more encounters of the midi kind