Livid Controller Issues-Feedback and Takeover


2014-04-08 10:44:52


First id like to thank you for such an mazing sofware! I have been working with bomes for a few weeks and it rocks!!

I have livid Elements Eurorack skiff, with 24 sliders and 24 led buttons.

I have managed to change the led colors with bomes, sending different velocity values.

I have the main preset, where led buttons are assigned to Ableton´s track mute on/off, and the posts to track volumes, with feedback from Ableton.

I have created another preset, where all the colors of the buttons change, and the buttons and pots send notes and cc on a different channel.

I have used a switcher preset for changing between Preset1 and Prest 2.

The problem i have encountered is this, sorry i have looked in the forum and havent been able to make it work, even tough there is a post about midi sof take over of cc´s.

What I would like to do for example:

Lets say I have one button A, that mutes/ unmutes track A. When is muted the led color of the button is white, when i unmuted is Red. When I change to preset 2, this button changes to Cyan color when on, and White when off.

The problem i cant seem to fix is, as follows: If i am in preset 1 and i mute the track, button goes white, and then I change to preset 2 and the led changes to Cyan, when i go back to Preset1 the led always comes back in Red, not renembering the state of the button in Preset 1(which was white) How could i make the Button renember the state from the previous Preset? So when changing back and forth from presets, button leds will renember what state the button led was originally in the original preset. Global variable between presets? This also happens if I unmute a button in preset 2, change to preset 1, and then back to 2. It doesnt renember the original state in preset 2.

Could someone post and example please?

Ive read the other posts but could not get my head around it. :cry:

Another thing i have read is you cannot copy and paste from the codes posted in the forum? Do i need to rewrite the code? I paste but when I change from one tranlator to another, only some parts of the code remain.

The second problem i have is the midi cc takeover issue, but i will look into that once i get this working. Step by step.

any help will be much appreciatted!!!


2014-04-08 18:02:43

Hi Thopa

What you want to do is definitely possible, but it may require a little reorganization of your project. You need to use what's called global variables for your different commands to store their values across presets. How are you handling LED feedback in your project? Is it just individual translators, and not receiving anything from Ableton?



2014-04-09 10:23:04

Hi, thanks for the reply.

I managed to get this working yesterday (soft take over) in Ableton with cc´s and one knob. If i press on buton the led of another button changes color. If i press the button again the led of the same button changes to another color. Refering to the global variable gs.

I will try doing the same thing with leds, so it renembers the state of the led before pressing the button that switches presets (not presets in bomes) i mean different cc outs from the same knob.

Will let you know how it goes.

Thanks a lot!