trying to send sustain msgs to another k/b


2014-05-02 19:06:24

hi, this isn't a specific MT qu but I bet someone here has done this so sorry, here I go!

I would like to send my sustain pedal msgs to a second keyboard and ignore the first k/b note on/offs on the second k/ b. I thought I'd monitor the sus msgs first but I don't understand the MIDI data my sustain pedal produces:

On hold:
13:21:52.680 From Port 8 Control 1 Hold Pedal 17
13:21:52.692 From Port 8 Control 1 Hold Pedal 70
13:21:52.704 From Port 8 Control 1 Hold Pedal 112
13:21:52.716 From Port 8 Control 1 Hold Pedal 127

On release:
13:22:03.912 From Port 8 Control 1 Hold Pedal 61
13:22:03.924 From Port 8 Control 1 Hold Pedal 24
13:22:03.936 From Port 8 Control 1 Hold Pedal 58
13:22:03.948 From Port 8 Control 1 Hold Pedal 100
13:22:03.960 From Port 8 Control 1 Hold Pedal 127
13:22:04.008 From Port 8 Control 1 Hold Pedal 58
13:22:04.020 From Port 8 Control 1 Hold Pedal 9
13:22:04.032 From Port 8 Control 1 Hold Pedal 0

I thought it should just be CC 0-63 (on) and CC 64-127 (off)
these are coming from a Roland RD700 plugged into an AMT8 hub.
Can someone enlighten me please?

If anyone already does this I would be grateful for any pointers as my MT knowledge is sparse.


2014-05-02 22:31:14

Hi Patrick :)

That's a weird run of signals. Can you run the signal into MIDI Translator and see what the signal looks like on press and release? I'm curious to see if it sends a note on (90) when pressed and a note off (80) when released.



2014-05-03 14:18:35

Thanks for the interest Jared - here it is from the MT log
1: MIDI IN [Unitor8/AMT8 : Port 8 (Emagic)]: B0 40 03
2: MIDI IN [Unitor8/AMT8 : Port 8 (Emagic)]: B0 40 37
3: MIDI IN [Unitor8/AMT8 : Port 8 (Emagic)]: B0 40 64
4: MIDI IN [Unitor8/AMT8 : Port 8 (Emagic)]: B0 40 7F
5: MIDI IN [Unitor8/AMT8 : Port 8 (Emagic)]: B0 40 3D
6: MIDI IN [Unitor8/AMT8 : Port 8 (Emagic)]: B0 40 37
7: MIDI IN [Unitor8/AMT8 : Port 8 (Emagic)]: B0 40 57
8: MIDI IN [Unitor8/AMT8 : Port 8 (Emagic)]: B0 40 78
9: MIDI IN [Unitor8/AMT8 : Port 8 (Emagic)]: B0 40 7F
10: MIDI IN [Unitor8/AMT8 : Port 8 (Emagic)]: B0 40 2F
11: MIDI IN [Unitor8/AMT8 : Port 8 (Emagic)]: B0 40 03
12: MIDI IN [Unitor8/AMT8 : Port 8 (Emagic)]: B0 40 00

Yes, I was sort of expecting just two messages - one for press, another for release.


2014-05-03 15:57:55

Oh, so it looks like your sustain pedal works more like a knob than a button. Instead of being pressed down and released with on/off messages it will send like any other knobs. If you know what your Sustain message is in your second synth, and you have the MIDI routed correctly through MIDI Thru in your primary synth, then this shouldn't be an issue.
Translator 1: Sustain Pedal
Incoming Message: B0 40 pp
Rules: if pp>=64 then rr=127
if pp<64 then rr=0
Outgoing Action: 90 30 rr

Obviously I guessed on that last message, and most synths require longer messages for signals, depending on its age. What this means is that the pedal will send an on message when it is pressed more than halfway, and it will send an off message when it is released more than halfway. That make sense?



2014-05-03 16:27:40

That makes excellent sense - I never knew that (I do some more reading - interesting).
Thanks Jared, onwards!
Great service - are you part of the Bome team?
I couldn't live without MT even just doing basic stuff :-)


2014-05-03 16:33:19

Great to hear.

I am the guy on the team that hangs around the forum and makes sure everyone's questions get answered. So you'll definitely see me around.