note on to cc


2014-06-10 10:32:12

Hi I'm totally new here and need some help with mt to see if I can fix a setup I want.
I wand to send a note on/off message in conjunction with a velocity with ableton live and translate that to a cc value.
I have the J-omega sevo control card
And I want to make a drum patern (and velocity) instead of drawing in the control.
I have some midi experience but get easily confused by hex code. I need to send cc 0 to 7. Could someone get me started a little?


2014-06-10 19:00:14

Hi sjofels

I would be happy to give you a hand, but I need a little more information. Can you walk me through precisely how you want this to work? When you press a button on your controller what do you want to happen?



2014-06-10 23:43:49

Thanks for the reply Jared, here is more info
My servo card only accepts cc values, it powers 8 servos and controller value 0 to 127 makes the servos rotate.
the servos are in a set: cc 0 to cc 7, or cc 8 to cc 15 etc.
I would like to make the servos move to a set of note on note off messages of a sequencer for instance ableton
live. where for instance note: c-2 to g-2 lets me control the servos, ableton lets you set note velocity so what I would like to do is (as an example):
1-punch in a beat in ableton of c-2 to g-2 notes with variable note velocities.
2-note c-2 + velocity becomes cc0 + velocity number
- note c#-2 + velocity becomes cc1+ velocity number
-note d-2 + velocity becomes cc2+ velocity number
3 as soon as the note is no longer playing the servo/cc reverts back to the original state being cc value 0.

The reason is that it is hard to sequence cc values easily, note on/off + velocity is easy.
And being a noob at programming/hex, I thought I'd first ask for help.


2014-06-11 01:09:24

What you can do to easily process this is use local variables. Effectively, C-2 (I'm assuming you don't mean C2, but even that wouldn't be very hard) and CC 0 are both 0 in Hex, right? So your message could read something like:

Code: Select all

Translator 1: Note to CC
Incoming Message: 90 pp qq
Outgoing Message: B0 pp qq
What this does is listen for channel 1 note on (90), any note (pp), at any velocity (qq) and change it to a CC message on channel 1 (B0 pp qq). Since C-2 and CC0 are both 0 (90 00 pp and B0 00 pp) this should be able to be an easy pass through. Does that make sense?


2014-06-11 10:09:51

Thanks a bunch I will try it tonight and find out!
Ill post back any results.
I just love forums, so helpful!


2014-06-11 23:03:27

It works I will post a video in the coming days.
Thanks Jared.