2014-10-27 18:48:43
Hi. I'm trying to convert into keystroke sequence a midi cc message input. The output shoul be Crtl+Alt+S. I enter the key sequence either Crtl+Alt+S or CrtlAltS and do not obtain any satisfacory results. The combination of keys by pressing them on PC keyboard does work fine (activate SAVE function on 3rd party software Sensomusic USINE) but as mentioned outgoing message does nothing. Am I doing something wrong??
2014-10-27 21:59:01
I've discovered that MT is sending the last key as a final message, in this case "S" which is interfering with the same letter from a pedalboard translated into midi PC message. It is not doing the Crtl Alt S function. It is a mess, wonder a way to split information of pedalboard and NanoKontrol 2 by midi channels or ports. Any suggestion?
2014-10-28 00:29:19
Hi ariajazz
I just want to make sure I understand the issue. You have programming a translator to send Ctrl+Alt+S and it is conflicting with your pedalboard which is sending the keystroke S and you are translating to MIDI?
2014-11-01 19:04:54
Sorry for the delay, I've been pretty busy lately. Well I solved the whole issue... some errors in translator assigments, now is everything working as expected and the're no conflicts between messages. Just for you info, my pedalboard is made out of a pc keyboard functionality, it sends letters that USINE interprets but I prefer to translate them into midi PC messages for convenience. Thanks anyway for your help this time.