Development Problem I Really Need Clarification!!!


2014-12-11 14:31:16

Hi Everyone,

I am developing a controller interface designed around the concept of BMT, simply for the purpose of not having extra software running in the background while controlling my program.

I have BMT set up to receive messages from my RS 232 controller, and send them to my program. Then, I have returning messages from my program thru BMT and back to the controller. Its one big loop, and it works great.

In BMT, I am only translating button pushes and fader moves. As I mentioned everything works great. Another important thing to note is that when I start my program, loads of data gets sent to the controller. All of the controls, buttons and LEDs turn on and go into place as they should. When closing the program, every button and fader slide to zero and off.

Now I have programmed an Atmel 2560 to do the same translations. But, when starting and closing the program, the faders, buttons and LEDs of the control surface aren't lining up like they do when I run the conversion thru BMT. This tells me that there is other data being sent... I think. All fader moves and button pushes are working. Its translating properly, but start up and closing of the program aren't behaving the same way.

So my question is, does BMT send ONLY the data it is programmed to translate? Or is it sending some special Midi status messages as well?


2014-12-11 14:48:18

interesting project! But sorry to say, MT does not send anything else, only what your project instructs it to send.

PS: in January, we'll present "MIDI Translator in hardware", a small box in which you can load your .bmtp files. It will be able to translate RS-232 data (serial port) to and from MIDI.


2014-12-11 15:15:45

Thanks for the response. That's what I thought...

And how funny, this is exactly what I am designing, except your interface will probably work :-/


2014-12-11 23:55:37

florian wrote:Hi,

PS: in January, we'll present "MIDI Translator in hardware", a small box in which you can load your .bmtp files. It will be able to translate RS-232 data (serial port) to and from MIDI.
Great! Extremely useful.