Error opening Port: Port Does Not Exist


2014-12-14 19:54:15

Hey Guys,

I have no idea what I messed up, but I'm fairly sure its my fault.

I installed Bome's translators to use with Cubase for key shortcuts. Then someone here posted about using TouchOSC and Cubase's generic MIDI device. Turns out that seemed to be the best way to communicate directly to Cubase.

I tried uninstalling Bome's MIDI Translator and I probably went too far...

Now I can't get any virtual midi ports to show up in Cubase, Kontakt, Sibelius etc. This includes TouchOSC Bridge (Which I now know uses your brilliant driver) and MT.

When I open up MT and go to 'Setup MIDI Devices and Port Aliases' and click on one of the virtual ports I get the following error:

Error Opening virtual MIDI OUT device "Bome's Midi Translator 1 Virtual Out": port does not exist

This is most likely due to me manually deleting files with 'bome' in it, not realizing that TouchOSC Bridge uses the driver to run as well.

I've tried uninstalling and re-installing both TouchOSC Bridge and MT, along with restarts. I'm running Windows 8.1

Now when I launch MT it says:

Failed to open MIDI IN device "Bome's Midi Translator 1 Virtual In".
Please connect the device(s) or select another one in the MIDI setup.

I tried re-installing MT using 'Force re-install MIDI driver' and I got the error:

Error uninstalling Bome's Virtual MIDI driver support:
Uninstalling the bus driver failed with error code: 15

After completing the installation, I tried the force re-install driver again and here's what I get:

Error uninstalling Bome's Virtual MIDI driver support:
Cannot copy bmidilib.dll to C:\Windows\system32\bmidilib.dll

I also have no idea if this is normal, but each time it seems a virtual midi port is launched (either through MT or TouchOSC Bridge) my Windows system makes the same sound I get when I mount a USB drive. I should also tell you that I do see 'Bome Software-Bome's MIDI port 01' and 02 in Device Manager under 'Other Devices'. They seem to have no driver associated.

Any help would be really appreciated.

Thanks! :D


2014-12-14 23:37:08


Since the above post is a complete mess. I thought I'd make a new one showing what I've discovered over the past hour:

I eliminated MT from the computer and am only working on TouchOSC Bridge.

I notice that if I installs TouchOSC Bridge, a device shows up in 'Other Devices' with a yellow ! warning. This device is called:

Bome Software-Bome's MIDI port-01

My guess is this is the reason Windows is giving me the new device sound when I install TouchOSC Bridge or launch it. It thinks I'm adding a new device (it's the same sound I hear when I plug in a USB drive).

When I click on the above device properties I get this warning:

The drivers for this device are not installed.

I'm thinking something is messed up in my machines ability to understand what this virtual midi port actually is. I'm not sure how to proceed, but I feel much closer.

:lol: Thanks!


2014-12-15 09:31:00

Hi, this is a problem that some other people have experienced, but I've not been able to fully understand what the root cause is. It seems certain that a combination of installing and uninstalling MT and other software using Bome's virtual ports like TouchOSC may eventually cause error 14. You got error 15, but they're related. See this post for a long discussion: BOME Virtual MIDI port error 14.

If you have purchased MT Pro, please contact us for an updated virtual MIDI driver.
Thanks, Florian


2014-12-15 17:09:17

OK, so nothing annoys me more than coming to a forum and finding a thread without the solution clearly laid out.

So here goes:

Error 14 or 15 seems to be due to Windows looking, but unable to find, the drivers for Bome MIDI. This occurs even after uninstalls etc.

I checked the event log and sure enough Windows was trying to find the drivers in a specified folder that no longer contained driver files. Why it no longer contained the files is beyond me, but here's how I fixed it:

After installing TouchOSC Bridge I would find in the 'Device Manager' under 'Other Devices' a Bome MIDI port device with the yellow exclamation mark attached to it. This is only visible after the initial install before launching TouchOSC. You will only see it normally with View -> Show Hidden Devices active in Device Manager. I tried going to this devices 'Update Drivers' and pointing it to the newly installed directory in my 'Program Files (x86)' folder called 'Bome's Virtual MIDI Port'.

This returned the error 'The System File Cannot Be Specified'.

The problem is that Windows is still searching in a specific place for the drivers, and failing to find them.

The folders are located:




I don't know what determines these names, so yours may be slightly different, but you should be able to find them now. In my case the latter of the two was empty which is what caused this whole problem.

I just simply copied the contents of my 'Program Files (x86)' install directory called 'Bome's Virtual MIDI Port' to both of these directories, overwriting anything it needed to.

After copying the files to those directories, I went back to 'Device Manager' and found my unknown Bome device (the one with the yellow exclamation point) in 'Other Devices' and clicked on 'Update Driver'. I then pointed Windows to search in this folder: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\

It found the necessary drivers this time and I'm off and running. Everything works as it should.

I hope this helps those few individuals who run into this problem!

Florian your MIDI driver is incredible :D Thanks!


2014-12-16 09:05:57

Thanks a lot for this guide for a fix! This way of working around the problem is new to me, though I knew the root cause. We've already developed a new version of the Bome virtual MIDI ports ("BMIDI 2"), where the installer will always install to the same location, and it will not be uninstalled automatically (i.e. it has to be uninstalled separately) to not cause other software using BMIDI to fail. We'll roll out the new BMIDI 2 drivers with the next version of MIDI Translator, due soon, and hope that TouchOSC and other licensees will start using BMIDI 2, too.
Thanks again!