2015-01-29 18:05:46
How would I convert this map done with MIDI-Ox

to MT ?
What is does;
I have full range channel aftertouch incoming on channel 1.
Range 0-13 -> stays on channel 1 (that's why there's no entry in the map)
Range 14 - 29 -> remapped to ch. 2
and so on.
I have it basically working in MT but I'm not sure if this is the best version (still learning).
What I have currently:
A preset with 8 translators (one per channel 1 - 8)
Translator 1 (for channel 1):
Translator 2 (for channel 2):
and so on...
Is this ok or should I do it differently ?
This is for showing LED's on my BCR based on the incoming Aftertouch messages. The LED's basically work with this preset, but it's still looking a bit "strange" (glowing on / off very fast, hard to describe, using the MIDI-Ox preset it doesn't do this), that's why I'm asking if I could improve this preset.
Thank you.

to MT ?
What is does;
I have full range channel aftertouch incoming on channel 1.
Range 0-13 -> stays on channel 1 (that's why there's no entry in the map)
Range 14 - 29 -> remapped to ch. 2
and so on.
I have it basically working in MT but I'm not sure if this is the best version (still learning).
What I have currently:
A preset with 8 translators (one per channel 1 - 8)
Translator 1 (for channel 1):
Code: Select all
Incoming: D0 vv
If vv <= 13 then exit rules, execute Outgoing action
Outgoing: D0 vv
Translator 2 (for channel 2):
Code: Select all
Incoming: D0 vv
If vv <= 29 then exit rules, execute outgoing action
exit rules, skip outgoing action
Outgoing: D1 vv
Is this ok or should I do it differently ?
This is for showing LED's on my BCR based on the incoming Aftertouch messages. The LED's basically work with this preset, but it's still looking a bit "strange" (glowing on / off very fast, hard to describe, using the MIDI-Ox preset it doesn't do this), that's why I'm asking if I could improve this preset.
Thank you.