Sensitivity of an endless knob?


2015-02-25 23:11:36


I have some 'endless' (is that the correct term?) knobs on my MIDI controller, i.e. they go from 1 to 127 MIDI data, but you can turn them infinitely. 360 degrees, Akai MPK49 controller.

How do I create a rule to reduce their sensitivity twice? 4 times?

Simply using a rule 'pp=pp/2' makes the sensitivity go down, but also makes it so that the knob only goes from 1 to 63.

Any ideas someone? Would greatly appreciate your help. :roll:


2015-02-26 19:42:04

Can you change the way the knobs respond? Can you switch them to actual endless encoders, instead of endless encoders using absolute messages?

The knob is sending a current position on its own, so while we can cut the range in half or in to a quarter, like you've figured out, we can't slow the message down using MIDI Translator. The main reason is that once the knob reaches 127 it stops sending, correct? Or does it continue sending a 127 message, if you keep turning?



2015-02-26 19:57:37

Realized after posting that it's not possible to do :) It stops sending at 0 and 127.

Hooked up my mixer instead, has rotary encoders that are actually endless, converted them to absolute using MIDI translator and all is well now!

Thank you and sorry for the meaningless topic