VCI-100 Ableton Mapping Template


2015-05-15 20:31:49

Hi everyone,

I apologize as I'm sure this has already been posted but I cant seem to find the MIDI mapping template for using my ancient VCI-100 with Live 8. I use it with a Macbook Pro.
I was wondering if anyone can steer me towards the right direction.

Thanks in advance, :)



2015-05-15 21:51:23

Hi Borisio

I can't seem to find any VCI-100 templates on the forums. If you want I can help you create your own, but if there aren't any here then that's all the resources we have.



2015-05-16 20:57:37

Thanks for your reply Jared and I think it's awesome that you're willing to help me set up a template. But I'm wondering if that type of template is not available because it just doesn't seem practical?... and maybe I need to get with the program, (no pun) and figure out a more suitable and up to date approach.
I would like to to hold on to my VCI-100 if possible but I am open to learning about more effective and current, simple type of set-ups which would allow me to continue to be the superstar bedroom dj that I am, only making mixes that I could workout to and shake my booty when the club scene here in L.A. doesn't fulfillme. :roll:

All was fun and glorious until that moment I uprgraded to OS X Yosemite, which then forced me to update to a new and stupid Java program so I could continue using Bome's, but after the update, my template which I got online a while back was gone :(


2015-05-18 02:34:26

Hi Borisio,
chiming in... Maybe you can find your VCI-100 mapping in TimeMachine, if you had that set up?
Otherwise, DJTechTools did some work on a VCI-100 mapping years ago. I don't know what happened to it or if they ever released it to the public. You might get some hits, too, when googling for "mini.Translator". Or just ask them.

And sorry for the Yosemite Java install thing. For developers, Apple makes things really hard sometimes. The upcoming version 1.8 will not require this Java install.


2015-05-18 15:14:46

Hey Borisio

I think it's not available right now because the VCI-100 isn't really used anymore. I still have my old one, though it has been updated to a more recent firmware that DJTT put out years and years ago. Mapping to Live 8 can be a pain in the ass, but it can also be very useful.

I'd recommend making a plan for HOW you want it mapped. For example, what you want the buttons and jog wheels and knobs to do, so we can start implementing it.



2015-05-18 22:14:02

Thanks for your reply guys...all I really would like to do is to assign the selector and enter
buttons to my vci-100 because the template that is offered for use in Ableton pretty much allows me to assign the other parameters nicely.
I was messing around with it trying to do it myself but I think i dont have my Bomes and vci controller properply assigned and/or assigning the MIDI incoming/outgoing messages properly.

I forgot if I need to install MIDI yoke and/or other programs if I'm using a Macbook.


2015-05-18 22:16:50

I'm actually getting a few responses in another earlier thread I posted which I thought no one replied to until recently so maybe I should insert the link to that thread here.. ... 146#p21146


2015-05-18 22:17:19

Are you using MT Pro or MT Classic?

And I want to clarify. Are you currently using Ableton and the VCI-100 without MT, you just want to assign those last pieces?


2015-05-18 22:24:07

I'm using MT pro trial edition at this point. I thought the Classic was free but I guess not.
Yes, I'm using Live on my macbook with the VCI-100. The reason I want to use MT is because I want to assign these selector buttons (up, down, left, right, and enter).
Ill purchase MT once I figure out how to do this.


2015-05-18 22:45:16

MT Classic is free, it is just limited.

Why are you unable to assign the selector buttons in Ableton's MIDI mode? I can't remember how they send messages, but I remember it is very strange.


2015-05-19 01:27:01

Ok, I thought it was free but when I went to the Bome's website it seemed to only offer the trail version and the one for purchase, not the one for free. This is for mac by the way. Ok, I'll have to look around some more to hopefully find it.

As far as assigning the selector buttons for MIDI mode in Ableton, I don't think it's possible because you can only assign 1 "slot" for a fixed MIDI message...another words, 1 MIDI message can only be assigned for a particular slot, therefore, from what I understand, I won't be able to use the same selector button to access the various slots unless it is assigned as an actual "selecting" function.
I hope I'm not confusing you...

When I originally had MT working with Ableton, I was able to "select" the various slots in Ableton by assigning a MIDI message that would allow me to select, go up, down, left, right to those correlating buttons on my VCI-100.


2015-05-21 18:31:51

As far as I remember, there should be a browsing function when you go into the MIDI Panel, in the bottom right hand corner. I could be wrong on that, but you should be able to scroll up and down in Ableton with a MIDI controller without needing MT Pro. There is a free version of MT called MT Classic, but it is a limited version.


2015-05-21 20:15:45

NB: MT Classic is only available for Windows.


2015-05-21 21:41:31

Ah, well, I very clearly stand corrected.


2015-05-24 05:48:11

Holy crap, you were right about the browsing function assignments through ableton! I was just able to simply assign that mapping to my VCI-100. But it only goes up and down, not left or right, unless I'm missing something...again!
Thank you so much for helping me realize this:)


2015-05-26 15:04:55

There should be two different sets of commands. One for left/right and one for up/down. There's also a selection for knob control, but you'd need an encoder for that.


2015-06-10 04:30:10

Man, I searched everywhere in that part of the window in Ableton and I still cant find the mapping assignments for the left and right function on my Vestax.
I guess I will do a search in Google to see if it's actually possible.
In any event, thanks for atleast getting me to be able to find the up and down functions in Ableton :)