2015-06-03 18:03:45
The livid editor provides four banks of controls for every encoder, fader and button. Using MT I was able to make the eight faders the master volume for eight tracks across all banks by mapping bank one faders to each track respectively, and making each bank of faders send the same midi as bank one and I did the same thing for some of the knobs.
The bottom two rows of the button matrix are used as track arm (bottom) and solo (next row up), but getting the same "across all banks" effect, including led feedback is where I run into problems. Ableton sends led on/off feedback automatically for track on buttons on bank one, but when I translate the same button on other banks, I lose the led feedback( I expected this would happen and planned on addressing it) but MT also sends the original midi message along with it, resulting in another message and triggering a note on the instrument I have armed and only sometimes toggling the track on button.
I'm completely new to Bome and thought I was doing well until this hump in the road. Any help is much appreciated. I'll probably try putting this on the livid forums as well.
.... Sorry for the novel.
Also, if anyone has a link that explains how to have the same effect with the solo buttons with led feedback it would save me tons of headaches. I'm sure someone's already asked for that solution, I'm just having a hard time finding it. Thanks!