few thoughts on an otherwise welcome update


2015-06-24 21:59:40

Hello guys and congrats on Midi translator Pro.

Im one of the "silent" users of Midi translator Pro - meaning, I dont hang around in these forums all too often (well in fact almost never) but I enjoy this software many years now.

So, please consider this post as merely some loyal user thoughts and not "complaints" for a software which does what it promises and it does it good.

So, 1.8 update in Windows system:

1. A different name for the product has been specified in the installation process: it used to be "Bome's Midi Translator Pro" and now it is "Bome Midi Translator Pro" resulting in a duplicate installation. Then if you want to unistall the earlier version, the virtual midi ports driver is unistalled so then you have to re-install the latest version. All these steps could have been avoided if the update was smart enough to remove the old files in the first place, or simply if it came with a notice to first uninstall previous versions.
This also creates the questions: will the virtual midi ports used in various software up to now have changed name too? If thats the case, and due to the complexity of my useage, I need to write down - note, where each virtual midi port is assigned in my midi controlled software, before they "vanish" from it, aftetr installing the latest version ( 1.8 ).
*I havent yet installed 1.8 in my critically running, gigging laptop - only in my studio PC hence my question*

2. I already read that the system tray icon was left out, but is going to be back in an update so I can just comment that I too most likely would like it back too - it was really useful. Also the "start minimized" pleaaaase pretty please?????

3. I really hoped the "old" HEX (raw MIDI messages) in my translators would be converted into their equivalent types of midi messages upon loading them in the new version (control change messages, note on - off messages etc etc). Anyways, thats not a big thing, and THANKFULLY at least now, even with the "raw" setting we can see the actual CC number instead of the freaking "type of CC message as per GM MIDI specs" ("breath control" reaaally? I dont freaking remember what CC that is, it doesnt help me setting up an outgoing action by typing, I need the raw CC number and it kills me to calculate out of HEX too). This was a huuuuuuuuge problem for me in the earlier versions so BIG thumbs up here.

Regarding the "one window UI" it seems a bit awkward right now but I guess this all comes down to getting used to it.

Thanks for this great software. Greetings.


2015-06-29 22:28:19

Hi softcore,
thanks for letting us know! we always like feedback -- the good and especially the bad.

The name change was overdue, and yes, the update process could definitely be improved. Note that the settings of the older version are not considered -- old and new one are completely separate. Having said that, if you don't need 1.7.2 anymore, uninstall it first, and then install 1.8. If you uninstall 1.7.2 after installation of 1.8, you will likely need to rerun the 1.8 installer for correct functioning of the virtual MIDI ports.

The MT virtual ports do change names, too. So I'm sorry, you'll have to go through all the 3rd party software and write down the MT port settings (unless they remember the names of vanished ports like MT does...). In 1.8, you may want to use short virtual port names when changing the name.

System tray and start minimized will come back.

We plan for a function in the menu to convert RawMIDI messages to SimpleMIDI. MT would never do such things on its own. You'd loose backwards compatibility with 1.7.2 (fwiw).

The one window UI is a big change for many users, but e.g. working with a big Rules editor, freely resizable MIDI port lists, and direct keyboard shortcuts to access all UI areas have greatly improved my workflow within MT. And, the features we plan for 2.0 would have not been possible with the old Windows UI.



2015-06-30 00:45:57

Hey thanks for the reply Florian!

Since the port names do change, yeah I might as well just use the handy short names feature then.

Oh, and of course, backwards compatibility skipped my mind - I agree its a fair "trade off" then.

Keep up the good work!


2015-07-01 04:41:02

Hi, my biggest concerns for the new UI are the Log window and the remembering of panels on the side.

The workflow power for me in 1.7 was in the ^n and ^p (next previous preset). I could make many changes to a number of presets and not leave my eyes or hands.

Now, when I use these commands, the side window is jumping all over the place when I go to the next preset. The assumption with the command, in my opinion, is you want to make a similar change in another preset. This is hard with 1.8.

This is further thwarted by the F5-F8 commands. Personally, I think these should close all others and open the target. Then the panel on the side would make sense. Which by the way, is now stretching all the way across my desktop to see relevant information.

Currently, when you use "shortcuts" it's really just setting you up for some more mouse scrolling. Because the panel you want is now half hidden up or down on the side panel. Not a shortcut at all.

Finally, when I have undocked the log window, and I hit the "X" in the corner, I am not expecting this to dock. I'm expecting this to close! The program is already sprawling horizontally, I would appreciate any vertical space I can get.


2015-07-01 11:46:35

Hi Wilcofan,
thanks for the report! We've worked a lot on usability with shortcuts, but as you outline, there is much to improve. We'll do our best!
Which by the way, is now stretching all the way across my desktop to see relevant information.
Not sure what you mean by that? If you mean the help texts, you can just click on a help text to get it unfolded.


2015-07-02 02:27:07

Sorry, I didn't mean the side panel was stretching, I meant the whole GUI.

To see presets, translators and the side panel at the same time, the space it takes up is very wide.


2016-09-08 14:31:56

Hey guys, just for your information: version 1.8.1 is now available: Enjoy!