Sequence of notes played by the same MIDI message


2015-08-31 16:37:26


First, thank you for this awesome software. Really useful.

I'm using it this way: my guitar floorboard send simple MIDI messages to a computer running Bome MIDI Translator and that way I can interact with a DAW on stage to play keyboards notes, launch samples, etc.

I would like to have the same midi message sent by my floordboard playing each time a different note in an virtual instrument in my DAW. For example, first message would play a C, the second an E, etc.

I know how to do it to play each time the same note, this is not a question on how to setup my DAW or MIDI ports. This is a question of how can I do to have the same MIDI message resulting in the playing of a different note each time the message is received (the sequence of notes being known in advance). Is there a way (with vars?) to do that with BOME Midi Translator?

Thank you,


2015-08-31 19:51:07

Hi Stephane,
have a look at this forum thread:

I think it presents one way of doing what you're trying to do.


2015-08-31 22:20:39

That should do the trick indeed, thank you!