Help me sending a Keystroke to VstHost


2015-09-05 00:21:43

I would like to access some menu commands using Outgoing KeyStroke and the new Inject Event but I tried in many way without any success.

I would like to trigger in VSTHost the menu voice "Midi Panic" (in menu Engine, (the N is the shortcut letter for eNgine)).
If I try manually I can trigger it easily pressing and releasing ALT then N then A (shortcut letter for pAnic).

I can also succesfully send the sequence from MT when VSTHost is the focused windows, i.e. without using the new "inject event" feature, just using 3 translator (each one slighlty delayed) that sends ALT, N, A.

Unfortunately I absolutely need to be able to send this when VSTHost isn't the focused windows, and this fails.

When I try to target the specific VSTHost windows (so that I can send the keystrokes even if it's not focused or is minimized) nothing is received by VSTHost, even if the Bome's log windows confirms that the keystrokes are sent.
The "Target Control Identifier" is /Afx:00400000:8:00010003:00000000:008705AD.

If I use the Find button to verify if I captured the right windows I get no errors (I get the VSTHost window dimensions, that I think is the right result).

Can you please help me?

I'm on Win 8.1 64bit - MT PRO 1.8.0 build 756 - VSTHost 1.5.4


2015-09-05 00:42:09

Hi garubi,
injecting keystrokes directly to a window rather than emulating physical key presses will often not work because applications or plugins do not expect keystrokes when they're not focused, or they just don't react on injected keystrokes. I noticed that often it helps to change the target window a bit, e.g. it usually works to target a specific button rather than the surrounding window. A bit of experimenting might work, often windows are cascaded one into another.

Sorry that I'm not of more help here!


2015-09-05 09:43:44

Hi Florian,
Thank You for your quick reply!
Yes, I Read on the manual that injection Not always works. ..
I'll tra again but I fear that there's Not many chances since VSTHOST it's a rather 'essential' software and there are Very few controllo and butto exposed (that's the beauty of it).
Maybe, since it's free and Very Small, You could try to See if You are more lucky that me ..?.. :wink:
