Need Help with GSR24M setup


2015-11-08 23:55:08


First post here... so go easy. I've followed the instructions found on to get this set up with protools. In the bome translator event monitor I see only the MIDI In flash green at a regular pulse cadence... the midi jack flashes green at same cadence as the out led... and the in led flashes red at exactly the same cadence. On my MIDI interface (Digidesign MIDI IO) I see only the green led on the midi in port. Nothing on the corresponding midi out. Out of port 10 on the interface goes to in on the board... out on the board goes to in on the interface. I've tried swapping cables and reversing them does not change things.. which I assume eliminates the possibility that it is a bad cable.

Any thoughts on where I might be going wrong? All help is most appreciated!!!
I would love to get someone willing to help me get my console working properly as a control surface.

Thanks in advance.
-= Cash


2015-11-09 01:02:49

Hi Cash

Since I don't have either of your pieces of hardware I'm going to kind of being flying blind, but we will be able to work it out.

Just to confirm, MT is receiving MIDI, but is not sending MIDI? Are you seeing the MIDI Out pulse in MT Pro, as well as MIDI In? The Digidesign is receiving MIDI but not sending any MIDI as well? Is this with Pro-tools on and active as well? Is Pro-Tools seeing any MIDI activity from the Digidesign and the GSR?

Is there any set up needed in the Digidesign box to route MIDI from the input to the outputs?

Hope we can get this solved :)


2015-11-09 18:22:30

Thanks for responding!

>Just to confirm, MT is receiving MIDI, but is not sending MIDI?

In the bome program, there are three icons in the event monitor that blink at a regular cadence... all together every second or so... they are midi out led, and circular midi jack which blink green... and midi in which blinks red.

>Are you seeing the MIDI Out pulse in MT Pro, as well as MIDI In? yes... they pulse all at the same time... out blinks green... in blinks red

>The Digidesign is receiving MIDI but not sending any MIDI as well?
Yes... on the MIDI IO interface I see only the green #10 in input blinking... no out led activity.

Is this with Pro-tools on and active as well?
Yes... I have set up the interface in MIDI Studio to be connected to #10 ins/outs. I have set up the peripherals tab to have the HUI connected to each of the three virtual ports.

Is Pro-Tools seeing any MIDI activity from the Digidesign and the GSR?
I can't tell if it's receiving midi there... In the MIDI Input Devices, I have put a check mark next to the three Bome Translator ports, and the GSR port. In the peripherals screen I have set up the three HUI ports one to each of the translator ports. There is a test midi option that instructs me to click the down arrow on the interface graphic to send data out... when I do this, I do get yellow LED lit up on the MIDI IO interface for that moment, so I think this indicates that protools, and my computer are seeing the interface ok.

As far as BOME setup, I've used the protools template version 1.3. I have on the first GSR24m screen only the gsr24 ports checked... all others unchecked. The ports are showing as open. On the HUI to GS screen the inputs are on default. The outputs have only the three virtual outs are check marked. All three of those, and the gsr24m ports show open. On the GS to HUI screen, the outputs are default, the three virtual input ports are checked, and they, along with the unchecked gsr24 show open

Hope it helps.
Let me know if you can think of what it might be I'd be most appreciative.

-= Cash