Simple explanation on keystroke to slider?


2015-12-01 18:35:32

I'm planning to use Midi Translator to control Capture One.

A previously created preset for Capture One and the Korg Nanokontrol2 would be a dream to me right now!

To start things off... I was hoping someone could simplify how I take a slider from the nanokontrol2 and translate the negative and positive values to the exposure slider in Capture One for example.

Positive Exposure is: Command + Shift + +
Negative Exposure is: Command + Shift + -

Is there a simple explanation to how I can translate these negative an positive values onto a slider?

Thanks for any help!


2015-12-02 23:16:49

Could you connect your Nanokontrol to MTP and read the incoming messages from the fader on the log window? This will be the first step in formulating a solution for you!