2016-01-19 21:55:24
Long time no posts, or better said - questions
I have a Korg nanoKontrol2 that I use to control my RME Fireface 800.
I have to simulate Mackie control to use it with RME.
So I have different buttons that pan and most importantly move the focus on RME by 8 channels left and right, so I can pan channels that are far apart.
I had this done before with too many translators and I decided to do some homework and use few translators to do this.
I kinda did it in some way but now I have a problem. Read on
My nanoKontrol has may different MIDI channels (that is because I used it before I tried this with MIDI Translator) and I don't want to change that.
I need MT to recognize a different buttons that have different MIDI channel and CC. For CC I figured out how to do it. But in some bizarre way I'm stuck with the channel.
Ok I have buttons>A 1. CH1, CC36, 2. CH1, CC37
B 3. CH1, CC38, 4. CH1, CC39
C 5. CH7, CC41, 6. CH7, CC61
So this buttons have to move the focus of RME Mackie control left and right, so I can Pan the RME channels (with this same buttons). The 3 columns A,B,C, are the 3 channels of RME that I pan with 2 buttons on nanoKontrol.
Column A have to move Left, B to the Right, and C to the Left. All this buttons are momentary. And I programmed that when panned I get a led feedback on that pan.
So far I have this code for left and right focus move:
Translator I - Move left
Translator 2
So If I want to do this with more buttons that are not on the MIDI channel 1 I need to do it like this: Incoming xx tt pp
And then do the same thing as I did with tt variable? I tried and I can't get it to work.
Then I experimented with just the variable on MIDi channel on the incoming MIDI, but somehow MT doesn't recognize the xx variable when xx tt pp. I tried to see if I use xx tt pp and then in rules: xx=g9 - so I could see in Log what channel each button is, but it seems not to work. I'm doing something wrong here.
I tried to find any posts here where you translate different incoming massages to the same thing. But I could not find it.
Any help would be very appreciated! Thanx!
Long time no posts, or better said - questions

I have a Korg nanoKontrol2 that I use to control my RME Fireface 800.
I have to simulate Mackie control to use it with RME.
So I have different buttons that pan and most importantly move the focus on RME by 8 channels left and right, so I can pan channels that are far apart.
I had this done before with too many translators and I decided to do some homework and use few translators to do this.
I kinda did it in some way but now I have a problem. Read on

My nanoKontrol has may different MIDI channels (that is because I used it before I tried this with MIDI Translator) and I don't want to change that.
I need MT to recognize a different buttons that have different MIDI channel and CC. For CC I figured out how to do it. But in some bizarre way I'm stuck with the channel.
Ok I have buttons>A 1. CH1, CC36, 2. CH1, CC37
B 3. CH1, CC38, 4. CH1, CC39
C 5. CH7, CC41, 6. CH7, CC61
So this buttons have to move the focus of RME Mackie control left and right, so I can Pan the RME channels (with this same buttons). The 3 columns A,B,C, are the 3 channels of RME that I pan with 2 buttons on nanoKontrol.
Column A have to move Left, B to the Right, and C to the Left. All this buttons are momentary. And I programmed that when panned I get a led feedback on that pan.
So far I have this code for left and right focus move:
Translator I - Move left
Code: Select all
Incoming: B0 tt pp
if tt==36 then h3=1
if tt==37 then h3=2
if h3==0 then exit rules, skip Outgoing Action
if gi==2 then exit rules, skip Outgoing Action
if pp==0 then gi=2
Outgoing: 90 2e pp
Code: Select all
Incoming: B0 tt pp
if tt==38 then h3=3
if tt==39 then h3=4
if tt==40 then h3=5
if tt==60 then h3=6
if h3==0 then exit rules, skip Outgoing Action
if gi==1 then exit rules, skip Outgoing Action
if pp==0 then gi=1
Outgoing:90 2f pp
And then do the same thing as I did with tt variable? I tried and I can't get it to work.
Then I experimented with just the variable on MIDi channel on the incoming MIDI, but somehow MT doesn't recognize the xx variable when xx tt pp. I tried to see if I use xx tt pp and then in rules: xx=g9 - so I could see in Log what channel each button is, but it seems not to work. I'm doing something wrong here.
I tried to find any posts here where you translate different incoming massages to the same thing. But I could not find it.
Any help would be very appreciated! Thanx!