DvlsAdvct wrote:Hi NeedOfAnAssistance
Are you trying to just get the left and right messages to repeat a little faster? Like, every time you turn the knob it sends two or three messages in quick succession instead of one?
Also, what software are you using it with?
I've just had luck setting up something with this line of thinking. For this success I was using the Pro trial. I have not had success setting this up in the free Classic version.
I too am trying to increase the 'speed' of my endless rotary encoder. This encoder 'clicks' into each partial rotation and each 'click' wasn't producing enough movement for the parameter I'm trying to control (crossfader in Ableton).
I've effectively just turned one click into 5 by sending the same MIDI message 5 times.
The MIDI input is my controller (Allen&Heath Xone:K2) and the output is Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual Out.
I set up two translators, (one left, one right). Each has the incoming action set to a Raw MIDI message ('BE 14 74' for a left rotation 'click'), and the outgoing action is another Raw MIDI message with this signal listed 5 times with whitespace delimiters (BE 14 74 BE 14 74 BE 14 74 BE 14 74 BE 14 74).
In my DAW (Ableton) I select Bome MIDI Translator 1 and this effectively 'speeds' up the response of my endless rotary encoder.
* I can't get this to work with the free version. It looks like it doesn't support Virtual MIDI ports. Is there another way to send this 'multiplied' information to my DAW? Can I use the same MIDI input 'port' (XONE: K2 MIDI) as a MIDI ouput 'port'? It doesn't look like it. In my DAW it appears that the MIDI message remains unchanged as though the DAW is grabbing information directly from the controller without any processing. Are the Virtual MIDI ports necessary for talking to a DAW like this?