2016-08-26 16:17:42
Hello i just saw this tutorial on how to make your MIDI controller Execute Keystroke Combos in Ableton:
I've followed his guide but he shows you how to map a undo button to a controller using bomes & midi yoke. Is there anychance of getting some help to map something else? 
I want to map the Clip View and Device View windows (bottom right corner) to 2 buttons on my mixtrack pro 2 conrtoller.
The short cut for this in Ableton is "SHIFT + TAB" but im finding it hard to input that in into bomes.
Im using the classic version & when i go to "outgoing", select "Key Press or sequence" how do i input "SHIFT + TAB"?
What would be the correct way to type that into the feild?
It dosent seam to reconise when i hit the tab button, i could only seem to input it as:
Then in ableton when i push the button on my controller it triggers a totally different button. It triggers the Draw Mode switch button on/off which i havent touched... See pic:
Code: Select all

I want to map the Clip View and Device View windows (bottom right corner) to 2 buttons on my mixtrack pro 2 conrtoller.
The short cut for this in Ableton is "SHIFT + TAB" but im finding it hard to input that in into bomes.
Im using the classic version & when i go to "outgoing", select "Key Press or sequence" how do i input "SHIFT + TAB"?
What would be the correct way to type that into the feild?
It dosent seam to reconise when i hit the tab button, i could only seem to input it as:
Code: Select all