Feature request - send outgoing messages as Javascript


2016-08-30 21:09:28

I would find it really useful if Bome MT on Windows could send outgoing messages in Javascript, as well as, or instead of, Applescript.

Is there any possibility of this being added to the software?

I don't know how much work it would require... maybe not much, maybe a huge amount. What I do know is that this feature would save me a large amount of programming. I think a great deal of people would find it very useful.



2016-09-09 00:04:08

I don't understand what you'd need JavaScript support in MT Pro for sending messages. You can get quite far with MT Pro directly, in particular with the "Rules" which are a simplistic scripting language just like JavaScript.

AppleScript is not really suitable for sending MIDI messages. It's mainly there for interacting with other applications.

And, in a way, MT Pro is particularly useful for use cases where traditional MIDI Learn is not sufficient, but creating an own program is out of scope. So if your task is so complicated that MT Pro is not sufficient, then probably it's not the right tool for you.

So... maybe it's best to determine at first if MT Pro can do what you want out of the box. Then you don't even need to resort to a scripting language.
