serial port byte variable incomming assignment bug???

mike maxwell

2016-09-11 17:49:26

First post, loving the sw so far!

I'm having trouble capturing bytes from an incoming serial translator.
This is the hexdump data to receive:
40 30 54 72 %ss% %rr% %qq% %pp%

The translator fires, however the logs show the following:
1: IN 1.0 Serial Port: 40 30 54 72 30 30 31 37 from COM6 [denon], ss=0x40 rr=0x40 qq=0x40 pp=0x40
2: RULE 1.0:1 assignment: (ss=ss) = 64
3: RULE 1.0:2 assignment: (rr=rr) = 64
4: RULE 1.0:3 assignment: (qq=qq) = 64
5: RULE 1.0:4 assignment: (pp=pp) = 64

What's expected here being:
ss=0x30 (dec 48)
rr=0x30 (dec 48)
qq=0x31 (dec 49)
pp=0x37 (dec 55)

I've also tried the numbers option, same result...

Any thoughts out there?, thanks in advance.


2016-09-14 00:20:47

Hi Mike,
this looks a lot like a bug, I'll add it to our bug database and report back here in this forum with our findings.
Thanks for letting us know.