2016-09-29 17:29:51
longtime happy Bomes MT Pro user here
But I have run into the following problem.
I split my Midi translation into two Bomes MT projects run in two instances of Bomes MT Pro.
(This would not be strictly necessary, but it tremendously helps with the stability of Bomes MT which before crashed mid-set quite often)
So now I have the problem that since the virtual Midi ports are named identically in both instances and Bomes pretty randomly assigns the "2" moniker to resolve this that my Midi routing to Ableton Live often stops working (sometimes mid-set!).
To clarify a bit more: The port i.e would be named "Bomes MIDI Translator 1 Virtual Out" So that's what I used in my translators as my outgoing port in one project. And I would not reuse this port in the other project used in the other instance. In Ableton Live I then use this port as the Midi Input. (Where it is named: "Bomes MIDI Translator 1")
When I started using the second instance new ports started to show up, named thusly "Bomes MIDI Translator 1 (Bomes Software GmbH & Co. KG) (2)" which in Live shows up as "Bomes MIDI Translator 1 (Port 2)"
This leads to the above mentioned situation since Bomes MT doesn't seem to be able to decide which project (or instance) gets to send which. Or alternatively Live can't decide which is which.
After lots of fiddling I usually get it resolved, but this is really stressful in live situations, especially since it has happened that the ports switched around mid set!!! (making all my controls all the sudden inoperably )
Is there a way to resolve this? I tried renaming the ports via aliases, but these aliases don't show up in Live, so I'm not sure I understand the point of this option.
Btw. I'm still on 1.7.2, since I don't like to change things around when they are working. If this is something that got resolved in later versions I would of course up-date right away.
Anyways, thanks for any help you can give me.
Cheers Tom
Edit to add:
A bit more info for why I'm splitting the project into two instances.
I have one instance that constantly gets A LOT if MIDI information from Live (via clip MIDI envelopes) and translates them to trigger LED lights.
And then I have one that does all the important stuff of controlling Live via 6 different controllers.
This is a much larger project but it does not need to process nearly as much Midi input (my hands can only move so fast )
Previously it happened on occasion that Bomes would freeze mid-set. And though a restart is very quick, the current state of all my controls via all the global variables is lost. Which leads to lots of confusion trying to rescue my set while resetting all the controls.
Now after the split that freezing doesn't happen any more and even if it would, it would probably be the first instance that chocked on all the MIDI input that froze. Restarting that is no problem at all, since no important variables are lost.
longtime happy Bomes MT Pro user here
But I have run into the following problem.
I split my Midi translation into two Bomes MT projects run in two instances of Bomes MT Pro.
(This would not be strictly necessary, but it tremendously helps with the stability of Bomes MT which before crashed mid-set quite often)
So now I have the problem that since the virtual Midi ports are named identically in both instances and Bomes pretty randomly assigns the "2" moniker to resolve this that my Midi routing to Ableton Live often stops working (sometimes mid-set!).
To clarify a bit more: The port i.e would be named "Bomes MIDI Translator 1 Virtual Out" So that's what I used in my translators as my outgoing port in one project. And I would not reuse this port in the other project used in the other instance. In Ableton Live I then use this port as the Midi Input. (Where it is named: "Bomes MIDI Translator 1")
When I started using the second instance new ports started to show up, named thusly "Bomes MIDI Translator 1 (Bomes Software GmbH & Co. KG) (2)" which in Live shows up as "Bomes MIDI Translator 1 (Port 2)"
This leads to the above mentioned situation since Bomes MT doesn't seem to be able to decide which project (or instance) gets to send which. Or alternatively Live can't decide which is which.
After lots of fiddling I usually get it resolved, but this is really stressful in live situations, especially since it has happened that the ports switched around mid set!!! (making all my controls all the sudden inoperably )
Is there a way to resolve this? I tried renaming the ports via aliases, but these aliases don't show up in Live, so I'm not sure I understand the point of this option.
Btw. I'm still on 1.7.2, since I don't like to change things around when they are working. If this is something that got resolved in later versions I would of course up-date right away.
Anyways, thanks for any help you can give me.
Cheers Tom
Edit to add:
A bit more info for why I'm splitting the project into two instances.
I have one instance that constantly gets A LOT if MIDI information from Live (via clip MIDI envelopes) and translates them to trigger LED lights.
And then I have one that does all the important stuff of controlling Live via 6 different controllers.
This is a much larger project but it does not need to process nearly as much Midi input (my hands can only move so fast )
Previously it happened on occasion that Bomes would freeze mid-set. And though a restart is very quick, the current state of all my controls via all the global variables is lost. Which leads to lots of confusion trying to rescue my set while resetting all the controls.
Now after the split that freezing doesn't happen any more and even if it would, it would probably be the first instance that chocked on all the MIDI input that froze. Restarting that is no problem at all, since no important variables are lost.