Simple midi note question.


2016-10-28 14:06:38


I'm new at using Bomes and couldn't find the solution for this problem:
I want to have a keystroke as incoming action and a midi note as outgoing action.
However, I need the midi note to last as long as I'm pressing the keystroke.
When I release the buttons, the midi note needs to stop.

I figured out how to send a note on, but how can I make it stop?

Thank you!


2016-10-28 15:07:29

See below:

Code: Select all

Project: comp-key-note
 Project MIDI IN ports:   Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual In
 Project MIDI OUT ports:  Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth
[x] Preset 0: New Preset

[x] Translator 0.0: Note On
Incoming: Key down: A
Outgoing: Note On on ch. 1 with note:60 (0x3C) and velocity:127 (0x7F)

[x] Translator 0.1: NoteOFF
Incoming: Key up: A
Outgoing: Note Off on ch. 1 with note:60 (0x3C) and velocity:127 (0x7F)

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2016-10-30 22:04:28

Ah great, I understand!

One last thing (I really appreciate you helping me out).

I need to translate a range of CC's directly to Midi Notes.
For example: (CC 1 until 20 need to become midi note C3 until G4).

I read this thread: viewtopic.php?t=2233 but still can't figure out how to do this.
I guess I need to use the rules for this, but I'm not sure how to start.


2016-10-31 00:29:29

Probably something like this but I didn't test it. It should send a value of 7F on note on and 00 on note off.

For C3 it will send to CC1 and each half step up to the next controller.

I'm happy to help if I have time as it also helps me build my skills as I'm pretty new at this as well.

Edit (reposted because I had an obvious error. Note also in this case I probably could have used a local variable instead of a global one.

Code: Select all

Project: note2cc
[x] Preset 0: New Preset

[x] Translator 0.0: Init
Incoming: Project Opened
  // This is for documentation purposed only
  // gb will be the translated value to the cc
Outgoing: (none)

[x] Translator 0.1: Note On
Options: swallow
Incoming: Note On on ch. 1 set 'pp' to note with any velocity
  if gb<1 then exit rules, skip Outgoing Action
  if gb>79 then exit rules, skip Outgoing Action
Outgoing: Control Change on ch. 1 with CC#:gb and value:127 (0x7F)

[x] Translator 0.2: Note Off
Options: swallow
Incoming: Note On on ch. 1 set 'pp' to note with any velocity
  if gb<1 then exit rules, skip Outgoing Action
  if gb>79 then exit rules, skip Outgoing Action
Outgoing: Control Change on ch. 1 with CC#:gb and value:0 (0x00)
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