Where is the HEX<>DEC converter in BMT 1.8?


2016-11-13 12:57:25


I know it looks like a silly question, but....where is now the HEX<>DEC converter tool?

It was so useful and I hope it is still there, but I donĀ“t find it.....


2016-11-15 14:12:57

Hi, we've removed the hex/dec converter indeed, but in most fields, you can now enter decimal (normally), or a hex number with prepended 0x:
64 = 0x40
Probably one of the few exceptions is where you need to enter a series of hex numbers, like MIDI RAW type.

I hope that makes sense!


2016-11-15 16:48:11

Ahhh, ok Florian.
That looks even better!
Thank you!!!