2006-03-12 13:58:22
Hi, I have a MFC05 foot controller that I wish to use with LIVE. It only sends Program Changes which I am trying to change to CC
I think I have Midi Yoke setup properly. I get stuck when trying to convert. For Pedal 1 the incoming message is CC 00 * I think I remember correcly* which would seem to say Control Change but I know for a fact that the board only sends Prog Change and LIVE will not respond to it directly apart from registering that a message has been sent.
I dont understand how to get from this to the outgoing message of say Control Change Chan 1 Note 1 This may be because I am entering the wrong thing into the hexadecimal converter....any ideas please.
thanks juddy
I think I have Midi Yoke setup properly. I get stuck when trying to convert. For Pedal 1 the incoming message is CC 00 * I think I remember correcly* which would seem to say Control Change but I know for a fact that the board only sends Prog Change and LIVE will not respond to it directly apart from registering that a message has been sent.
I dont understand how to get from this to the outgoing message of say Control Change Chan 1 Note 1 This may be because I am entering the wrong thing into the hexadecimal converter....any ideas please.
thanks juddy