rejoice and bome's translator HELP ME


2007-12-19 16:07:51

Hi everybody,

I'd like to play my advanced functions keyboard (I use reason3) with a gamepad or a joystick.
I could do that with bome's translator, bomekeyboard and rejoice.

I did all that is written in this guide:

1. Run Rejoice. Your joystick should use the Microsoft PC-joystick driver. If not, select appropriate driver. Now we have to chose a MIDI out, so we need to route the inputs from the gamepad into a virtual MIDI port that we created with Midi Yoke. So at the bottom of Rejoice click "Route MIDI" and select one of the Midi Yoke ports. (I chose MIDI Yoke NT: 1)

2. Run Bome's Midi Translator. In the top menu click on Midi In and select the MIDI Yoke port you chose for Rejoice's output. You don't need a MIDI out (the "out" will be virtual keystrokes).

Bome uses "translators" which are behaviors you want Bome to perform after hitting a button the gamepad. You're gonna want to map one translator per button, max. So click add translator, name it, press enter.

Double-click the new translator and set up Incoming. The incoming signal will be the button press, but thanks to Rejoice it will get to Bome's as a MIDI signal. Click Capture MIDI and hold one of the buttons down on the gamepad. A value should appear in the field. Without letting go of the button, uncheck Capture MIDI.
Now to set up the Outgoing. Click the outgoing tab and then the Key Stroke tab. In this field you can tell Bome what keyboard presses you want to happen when the appropriate gamepad button is pressed. When you're done click Apply and Close.

The problem is, even rejoice read the gamepad movements, bome's midi translator doesn't recognize the midi input (Capture midi doesn't work).

What I have to do??


2008-01-01 17:57:08


sorry for the late reply. I guess that the connection rejoice -> Midi Translator (MT) is not set up correctly. Select Yoke 1 as MIDI OUTPUT in Rejoice, and as MIDI IN in MT. Make sure that Rejoice is actually outputting any MIDI data...

Let us know how it works.
Happy New Year,


2008-01-01 19:08:21

thanks for the answer...

anyway I was able in order to make work my gamepad with rejoice and bome's...

That the guide forget to explain is to set up the gamepad's buttoms in rejoice: PUSH THE BUTTOM YOU WANT MAKE RECOGNIZE TO REJOICE WHILE YOU PUSH ON KEYBOARD "ALT+A".

Afeter you set up all buttoms in rejoice, bome's will recognize the inputs from gamepad and all will work;-)

thanx and happy new year!