How can I........


2006-05-20 08:35:54

I'd like to send 2 controllers with a knob (encoder) alternating between them with a button, i mean:

Button OFF = encoder send midi CC 34
Button ON = encoder send midi CC 60

I hope you standed me Florian, thanks a lot.


2006-05-20 11:12:38

Please clarify knob, encoder, button: are they hardware or software? Is the knob a hardware knob on a MIDI controller?

Can you describe the full setup that you want to use? That'll make it much easier to understand.



2006-05-20 16:30:16

wow! thanks for your fast reply florian

I recently bought a Novation Remote 25 SL ... teSL25.jpg to control Ableton Live 5.

As you can see in the picture the Novation in the left side has 2 knobs, 2 buttons and 1 drumpad on every channel. In my set up the higher knob controls a LP filter and the bottom knob a HP filter in one template and in other template each knob controls the sends to the FX, ok?

i'd like to use just 1 template and control the "sends" without changing the template using the higher button on every track like Moldover does in this video he uses reaktor to do it but i'd like to know if it could be possible with MT.


button sends CC 100 in channel 4
ON=B3 64 7F
OFF=B3 64 00
knob sends CC 60 in channel 4 to control LP filter
B3 3C pp
I'd like the knob sends CC 70 when the button is ON (B3 64 7F).

Thanks Cheers.


2006-05-28 11:06:14

Hi fortune,

sorry for the late reply...

Version 1.40 of Midi Translator can only do static translations. You could theoretically solve your problem switch presets, based on the state of the button: as outgoing action of the button ON press, change to a preset that translates the knob. On button OFF, change back to the other preset. But I guess there is more than one button...

...however, I just completed initial "Conditionals" support in the development version of "Midi Translator Pro". If you have purchased Midi Translator, you can request a preview of this feature. Now with it, your Translators could look like this:

Translator 1: evaluate button
Incoming: MIDI B3 64 ga
Outgoing: <none>

Translator 2: Translate CC60 to CC70 if button is ON
Incoming: MIDI B3 3C pp
Rule: IF ga=00 THEN "skip this translator"
Outgoing: MIDI B3 46 pp

Translator 1 sets a global variable (a variable that keeps its value for subsequent Input events) to the value of the button, i.e. 00 or 7F.

Translator 2 uses the new conditional feature: before executing the Outgoing Action, it checks if ga has the value 0. If yes, then it will not execute this Translator's Outgoing Action.

More info how to obtain pre-release versions:
