2008-01-30 22:38:47
Hi guys,
First off, hello to everyone!
Im wondering if its possible, to set up If/Then statements to perform the following:
"If incoming note is equal to or higher than F#4, then keypress and hold T"
It is vital the the outgoing keypress is held, until another statement is satisfied (more variations of the above), in addition, if none of the statements are satisfied, then nothing is done. Im trying to get my head around this but having difficulty... Can any of you experts help?
EDIT: At the same time, if two conditions are met, then I need to be able to execute and keypress and hold command on two keys.
ARGG... EDIT2: They dont necessarily have to be keystrokes, can be Control values (>== 60) etc..
First off, hello to everyone!
Im wondering if its possible, to set up If/Then statements to perform the following:
"If incoming note is equal to or higher than F#4, then keypress and hold T"
It is vital the the outgoing keypress is held, until another statement is satisfied (more variations of the above), in addition, if none of the statements are satisfied, then nothing is done. Im trying to get my head around this but having difficulty... Can any of you experts help?
EDIT: At the same time, if two conditions are met, then I need to be able to execute and keypress and hold command on two keys.
ARGG... EDIT2: They dont necessarily have to be keystrokes, can be Control values (>== 60) etc..