2008-02-08 20:31:03
Carlos, I reposted your inquiry as a new topic;
Welcome to the forum, by the way.
After installing a virtual MIDI port driver and MT Classic, simply create a new translator for each drum pad you'll be using and then use the 'capture MIDI' function to grab the appropriate MIDI message sent from each.
Keep in mind, if you are using drum pads that send both Note On and Note Off events, you'll want to only capture the Note On midi event so your outgoing keystrokes aren't played twice.
To capture MIDI;
* Right click on new translator and select 'Edit' (or Ctrl+E)
* Click on the 'Incoming' tab (or F6)
* Click the 'Capture MIDI' checkbox
* Press the drum pad you want to use down and hold it
* Uncheck the 'Capture MIDI' checkbox
* Click on the 'Outgoing' tab (F8.) and set your outgoing keystroke (whatever keystroke you want that drum pad to transmit)
* Repeat for every other translator, moving on to the next drum pad and keystroke until you have them all mapped.
Let me know if you have any trouble...
Welcome to the forum, by the way.

MT Classic should allow you to do this easily.Carlos wrote:Hi Florian,
I'm new here, and new to MIDI. I've got a sense that my need and hopeful use for MT is extremely simple and pretty easy for anyone that has had even limited success with using and understanding MT.
I have been using Rhythm Tutor (free Demo version on many web sites), which displays small spots that show the difference between the notes played by the software and the notes played on the computer keyboard. Under options in this software you can choose between computer keyboard or ext MIDI instrument . The latter has never worked, neither contacting the seller.
I would like to hopefully use MT to receive MIDI messages from only one drum pad on my drum machine, convert it to the (ASCII?) code that represent, lets say, the "space bar". Since the software will recognize the
the keys on my computer keyboard, I hoping that it will also recognize the translated MIDI to Keyboard strokes (or codes). It's more fun playing a drum machine with pads than a computer keyboard.
If this is simple, could someone explain basically how I would accomplish this with MIDI Translator?
Thanks, Carlos
After installing a virtual MIDI port driver and MT Classic, simply create a new translator for each drum pad you'll be using and then use the 'capture MIDI' function to grab the appropriate MIDI message sent from each.
Keep in mind, if you are using drum pads that send both Note On and Note Off events, you'll want to only capture the Note On midi event so your outgoing keystrokes aren't played twice.
To capture MIDI;
* Right click on new translator and select 'Edit' (or Ctrl+E)
* Click on the 'Incoming' tab (or F6)
* Click the 'Capture MIDI' checkbox
* Press the drum pad you want to use down and hold it
* Uncheck the 'Capture MIDI' checkbox
* Click on the 'Outgoing' tab (F8.) and set your outgoing keystroke (whatever keystroke you want that drum pad to transmit)
* Repeat for every other translator, moving on to the next drum pad and keystroke until you have them all mapped.
Let me know if you have any trouble...
