When loading a preset in a second (or third) instance of MT (Pro 1.6.1) the following message appears:
'Another instance already uses MTKeyIn.dll. Overriding it.'
I don't recall seeing this in the Classic version.
2008-04-03 11:55:12
this is a limitation of the Pro version: only one instance can use the Keystroke Input (i.e. Keystrokes in an Incoming Action) feature. So if you start a second instance, it will override the Keystroke Input of the first instance. Note that does not apply for emulating keystrokes (i.e. keystrokes in the Outgoing Action).
2011-12-22 14:12:56
can this message be prevented, at least as long as no single translator uses a keystroke incoming action?
I am about to program my MIDI setup and want to use many many projects/multiple instances, instantiated on system bootup, and I don't want to click "ok" several times every times I start my DAW...
2012-01-24 20:34:23
yes, you're right. It should have an option "Do not warn next time" or so.